12 ways to read more as a Christian leader


By Chuck Lawless

Leaders should be readers. When we’re not reading, our leadership can get stale. Our thinking can get stuck. Here are some ways for busy Christian leaders to do more reading:

  1. Set reading goals. If you have no goals, you’re likely to read less. Even a goal to read one book each year is a start if you aren’t a reader, though I encourage you to start with one book per quarter.
  2. Read your Bible every day. This goal should be the goal of every believer – but especially for leaders. When you’ve read your Bible during the day, you free yourself up to read other stuff without the guilt associated with not reading the Word.
  3.  Get in the practice of taking time to read a book, an article, a newspaper, a blog, etc., each day. Make even brief reading such a habit that your day seems incomplete without it.

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Chuck Lawless is dean and vice-president of Graduate Studies and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, where he also serves as professor of Evangelism and Missions.

blogs, books, communications, leadership, reading