Alex and Stephen Kendrick, two brothers from Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, used their interest in storytelling through film to produce "Flywheel" 15 years ago, conveying biblical truth about …
Currently, The Index is meeting periodically with student ministers from around Georgia, hearing from them on the challenges of reaching today's youth. This article focuses on the observation when …
Exodus 14:29-31; 15:22-27 Jon Reed, evangelist Recognizing the miracle of God Moses, commissioned by God, marched into Egypt and told Pharaoh to set the the Israelites free. After many …
A host of Georgia Tech students share the Gospel with classmates at The Great Exchange. The event is geared to promote conversational evangelism on college campuses. GERALD HARRIS/Index ATLANTA — …
Shorter University students Taylor Barton, left, and Abby Wright have become good friends and are looking forward to serving together in Billerica, MA, this summer through SendMeNow missions. …
This is a busy time of the year for state missionary Jenni Carter who, in this multi-exposure from last year, is busy scheduling and leading VBS workshops statewide. BRYAN NOWAK/Special A legacy of …
Mike Hayden, pictured with his wife, Marcia, receives an album of letters from Pastor Glenn Cummings of First Baptist Church in Ellijay. By Dub Joiner, The News Observer For more than 33 years Mike …
Mike Gable, minister of family life at McDonough Road Baptist Church, talks with the Lovejoy High School girls basketball team. MRBC/Special FAYETTEVILLE — In the gospels, Jesus spoke of the danger …
For more than 70 years, Billy Graham proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ. With his funeral on Friday, March 2, the world says goodbye to "America's Preacher." BILLYGRAHAMLIBRARY.ORG/Special Much …
Above: GETTY IMAGES The following is taken from a testimony given on January 30 on behalf of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board to the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee opposing …
By David Roach H.B. Charles, pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla., preaches at the 2017 Pastors' Conference. BILL BANGHAM/Special DALLAS (BP) — "Fulfill Your …
Genesis 22:1-4 Jon Reed, evangelist God tests Abraham (v. 1-2) This is not the first test and certainly not the last for Abraham. God is refining him. Like us, Abraham is on a …
People paying their respects line the streets of Black Mountain, NC as the motorcade transporting the earthly body of Billy Graham makes its way to Charlotte. KATHY KMONICEK/AP CHARLOTTE — Franklin …
I was in a small gathering of folks this week when a dear lady made reference to a revival she had been a part of. “But, of course, nobody has revivals any more,” she said with such …
The recently-finished renovations at First Baptist Church in Calhoun feature a new entryway to People Street, a section connecting the new construction and providing a place to build relationships. …
Dr. Jason K. Allen, president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and College, has written a book that is a must-read for everyday disciples. The title is Being a Christian: How Jesus Redeems …
Ephesians 5:8-14 Jeff Overton, lead pastor Beulah Baptist Church, Douglasville Ever since the fall in the Garden of Eden, sin and the darkness it brings has been a part of our world. …
MONTREAT, NC – The Rev. Billy Graham, America’s most notable evangelist whose ministry reached out to both presidents and paupers, died this morning at the age of 99. Graham’s life has been …
Pastor Paul Turner of First Baptist Church in Clinton, TN, told the congregation Scripture "never compromises with sin" the week after he was beaten by segregationists. Screen capture from YouTube By …
On furlough from Peru, Mike and Kathy Weaver stand with their granddaughter as they are picked up at the Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson Airport. MCG/Special MCDONOUGH — The Macedonian Call of Georgia …
Which racial group in America claims the highest percentage of Christians and by pretty much any measure is the most religious? Most Africans weren't Christian when brought to America as slaves. …
By Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, TN — Church collection plates were a little bit fuller last fall, according to Nashville-based LifeWay Research. About 40 percent of Protestant pastors say their …
It has been a very grueling week at the Georgia General Assembly, during which I’ve attended and testified at numerous hearings. I have never seen any “hate crime” legislation come to a …