GAINESVILLE, Ga. — Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church in Gainesville hosted a very unique service on August 11. We packed our grills, food, chairs, sound equipment, drinks and our families and headed to Church in the Park.
RICHMOND, Ky. (KT) – "It's a good day to be in Richmond," Monica Kelsey told a crowd who gathered to bless a newly installed Safe Haven Baby Box on Tuesday. "Today we offer women a 100% anonymous option if they so choose to surrender their infant here in Richmond, Ky."
What is it about hitting a plastic sphere over an eight-foot wall about 70 feet away that makes you want to flex your muscles? Welcome to the thrill of Wiffleball.
FORT WORTH, Texas — Students will return to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary this fall with stories of what they did over the summer. For one group of students, their stories will tell of their efforts to spread the gospel overseas.
Debby’s not done, but Southern Baptists aren’t waiting. The second named storm of the 2024 hurricane season landed Aug. 5 near Steinhatchee on the gulf side of Florida with a maximum of 80 mph winds, swirling with weakening power while traveling in and out of East Coast states until withering over Canada on Aug. 10.
A new Alabama WMU effort called Cultivate will involve a once-a-week prayer focus on campus ministries along with encouraging people to “adopt” one of the state’s Baptist campus …
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Christ Covenant church launched on Sept. 17, 2017, with 73 charter members. Since that time, the growth has been spectacular and on Nov. 6, 2022, the church celebrated the grand opening of a new facility with 1.750 in attendance.
How important is Collegiate Week to the International Mission Board? It’s important enough that 25 IMB personnel attended the most recent event, with half being overseas missionaries.
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (BP) – All are welcome to attend Brentwood Baptist Deaf Church. Be warned, though. You’re going to be able to hear the worship well before you enter the sanctuary.
PRINCETON, Ky. (KT) — It was more than a decade ago that Kyle Noffsinger began to have a “real heart for mission work,” and that passion led him last week to the dangerous, poverty-ridden country of Haiti to train pastors.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another," Proverbs 27:17. Dr. Gerry Samson was in our dental office last week. That might not seem like a big deal to you, but it certainly was to us.
My daughter sent me a picture last week of my granddaughter's dry erase board in her room. She has a calendar on one side and then a blank space to be able to write on the other side. On the blank space she had written, and I quote, "I can do anything through Christ the Lord."
STATESBORO, Ga. (BP) – Floodwaters from Mill Creek last week sabotaged the serene Blessing Field, purchased a year ago by the Cambodian Southern Baptist Fellowship and used just last month for their annual retreat.
IRVINE, Calif. — Bogdan Kipko immigrated to the United States, arriving in Seattle with his parents in 1992 where a Baptist church provided space for his family and others to worship. Thirty years later, God has used Kipko to launch a church-planting movement among Slavs who are dispersed throughout North America.
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — Vacation Bible School is a widely familiar term in our culture, identifiable with both kids and parents as a fun way to learn about God’s Word. Vacation Bible School traces its roots to New York City where in 1898 Virginia Hawes, concerned with the spiritual formation of school children, rented a beer hall in the city’s East Side to conduct an Everyday Bible School. Hawes envisioned a place where kids could safely spend their summer while learning about the Bible and receiving spiritual nourishment.
VANCOUVER, B.C. — When Paul Min became the ninth pastor of Korean Baptist Church of Vancouver in 2014, the church had never considered church planting in their 39 years of ministry. Today, however, they’ve planted three churches in the past three years to reach the Korean-speaking population in Vancouver, Canada.
KANSAS CITY, Mo—Eighteen students and faculty from Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College participated in a study tour throughout the United Kingdom earlier this summer with students and faculty from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
FORT WORTH, Texas — For 20 years, the Southwestern Music Academy has provided a variety of music lessons and performances to children and others of the Southwestern and surrounding community, while also giving teaching opportunities to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary students.
WAKE FOREST, N.C. — After serving faithfully for 28 years at Southeastern Seminary as Senior Professor of Baptist Studies, Keith Harper has retired from full-time teaching as of July 31, 2024.
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — If you ask someone at church to name their favorite story from the Old Testament, they may mention Moses or Noah, but they might also talk about Jesus or Paul. Some may even begin describing a story from outside the Bible.
HEBER SPRINGS, Ark. (BP) – Southern Baptist evangelist David Miller, known as a “Country Preacher at Large” for his humble, hospitable and straightforward style of Bible preaching, was laid to rest Monday, Aug. 12, in his hometown. He was 78.
As summer comes to an end, late vacations wrap up and students prepare to go back to school, Georgia Baptist camps celebrate a fruitful season of ministry. Close to 1,000 students spent time this year at Camp Kaleo and Camp Pinnacle, with more than 30 placing their faith in Christ for salvation.
CLAYTON, Ga. — More than 500 campers and their moms attended sessions at Camp Pinnacle, owned and operated by Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union of Georgia this summer. Camp director Tabitha Ferrell said 10 campers made salvation decisions.
BOSTON — An abiding passion to live as disciples of Jesus has attracted a church full of college students, graduate students, and people with advanced degrees to Antioch Baptist Church, which is located in the world-class academic community of Greater Boston.
Some Jewish leaders opposed contact with Gentiles lest the leaders become ritually unclean. Jews called Gentiles “dogs.” But God had called the Hebrews to be a light to the nations (Isa. 42:6). As the gospel progressed, the Church learned that God is no respecter of persons.