Miinister of worship and youth (Full-time)

208 S Norwood Street
Warrenton, GA 30828
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This minister of worship and youth position is a full-time position where the minister is responsible to the Pastor for overseeing the weekly worship services and the youth ministry of First Baptist Church of Warrenton, GA. FBC Warrenton is a conservative Southern Baptist church, known as a warm and loving body of believers who love the Lord and love each other. Average worship attendance is 150 with an average of 110 in Sunday School. We have a blended worship style with a choir and a praise team. As worship leader, this man will oversee the music of the Sunday morning worship service. He will be asked to select the songs, update and organize the presentation software, communicate with the praise teams, media and tech teams, and oversee the congregational singing. He will not have oversight of the choir but will work with our choir director and staff in creating a meaningful worship service. As minister of youth, this man will work with the pastor, staff, youth (6th-12th grade), and the youth families to develop, implement, and lead a ministry that equips and enables youth to know Jesus as Savior and Lord and to grow spiritually. We have twenty-five to thirty active youth who participate in activities throughout the week. To receive the full job description or to submit your resume, contact Brandon Furr (FBC Warrenton Senior Pastor) through email: brandoncfurr@yahoo.com.

Posted 1/24/2025