Motion approved to recommend GBC Constitution amendment regarding out-of-state institution board members


In the September 26, 2017 meeting of the Executive Committee, a motion was approved to recommend to the Convention that it amend Article VI of the Constitution of the Baptist Convention of the State of Georgia to add a new Section 13 to Article VI. This action originated from the Report of the Task Force on Educational Institutions. The following amendment is recommended by the Executive Committee to the 2017 Convention Annual Meeting.

Section 13. Out-of-State Members on Governing Boards.

(a) Georgia Baptist Convention institutions identified in (b) below shall be allowed to have persons serve on their governing board from out of state provided that: (i) the board shall not have more than ten percent of its total membership from out of state; (ii) any person on the board from out of state shall be an active member of a Southern Baptist Convention church; and (iii) any person on the board from out of state shall affirm their acceptance of the Baptist Faith & Message that has been affirmed by the Georgia Baptist Convention. Should any person from out-of-state serving on a board not meet the requirements of (ii) or (iii) above, then such person forfeits their remaining term of service and the position becomes vacant.

(b) This Section applies only to the following Georgia Baptist Convention institutions: Baptist Village, Inc.; Brewton-Parker College, Inc.; Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc.; Georgia Baptist Foundation, Inc.; Georgia Baptist Retirement Communities of Georgia, Inc.; Shorter University, Inc.; and Truett-McConnell University, Inc.

(c) Any other provision in this Constitution that a person serving on a governing board be a member of a Georgia Baptist Convention church shall not apply to out-of-state members allowed by this Section.

Constitution, GBC annual meeting, leadership, official