PDF download of Index now available; monthly print subscription coming soon


Although the bi-weekly print edition of The Index ceased publishing at the end of December, options still abound for readers in getting the latest news of interest for Georgia Baptists.

In early 2015 The Index became a free online news service, providing much faster delivery of breaking news. But, if you still desire a paper edition to hold in your hands, one option is currently available with another to come soon.

Both are 8.5x11-inch formats, the size of a traditional sheet of letterhead, and include a condensed version of stories that have recently appeared at www.christianindex.org.

Editor's note: This article was published Jan. 20, 2016. The information was accurate at the time of publication but has since changed. The Index no longer offers a print edition of the Index. Instead, please subscribe to our email newsletter here: christianindex.org/subscribe

Free pdf downloadTCI printout_bw

Effective now, readers are able to download a PDF file directly from our website and print it on their home computer. We are also encouraging churches to print the four-page black-and-white product in the church office and provide it to senior adult Sunday School classes that request the service, or place them in the foyer for others.

The PDF version is provided at no cost to those faithful readers. This will be an especially cost-effective way for churches to provide delivery of the free print edition – much less expensive than providing bulk subscriptions.

In this creative approach, The Index provides the free content and the church provides the distribution.





Subscription-based product for $25TCI Special-1

A second, subscription-based product will be published monthly, in color, and mailed to homes. Cost of this item will be $25 per year on a cost recovery basis.

Both will include popular items such as condensed versions of editorials and the Open Door columns, the popular crossword puzzle, People and Places as well as the Ministerial Moves columns, and feature stories. The fee-based version, due to its larger size, will include more stories of your Mission Georgia and Cooperative Program funds at work throughout the state and around the world.

The Index is currently building its subscriber database to begin mailing the color version in early February. But to receive this version you must call Lonette Godwin at (770) 936-5592 to begin your paid subscription. This option will allow you to pay immediately by credit card.

features, news, pdf, print, subscribers