Bible Study for Nov. 22: Act Faithfully


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Daniel 6:6-10, 13-16, 19-22

Bill Harrell, interim pastor

First Baptist Church, Wrens

If the life of Daniel exhibits anything, it’s the fact that he was faithful in every aspect of his life. He was so faithful to the Lord that he was given a special measure of His Spirit that enabled Daniel to interpret dreams for the king.

That spiritual foundation set him apart from others. It marked him as someone very special and even the king knew that. King Belshazzar’s life was required of him just as Daniel had predicted. He lost the kingdom and passed into the pages of history.

After Belshazzar’s death, Darius was made the king. He knew the history of Daniel very well and that Daniel was a special person in the kingdom. He set up a system of princes who would rule. Darius also set three presidents over the princes and Daniel was set over the whole realm.

As often happens when a person is one of excellence, others desired to see him fall. They were very jealous of Daniel and wanted to kill him. Some people always think they can make themselves better or more successful if they bring those who actually are successful down to their level or eliminate them altogether. This is the case here.

So, they manipulated the king into making a decree which would result in the death of anyone who would pray to any god or man except the king in the span of the next 30 days.

Faithfulness and commitment

Daniel 6:6-10

Daniel was not about to abandon his commitment to God. He knew the history of how God had delivered His people over the years. He also knew of how God had dealt with him and given him His Spirit. Daniel could also look at how God had delivered the three Hebrew children from the fire.

Yes, Daniel was committed to the Lord with his whole heart. So, when Darius was manipulated into making the decree about prayer, it didn’t faze Daniel. He was committed to God and nothing was going to deter him in his worship.

Daniel didn’t just have an opinion about God and how to live in relation to Him. He had a conviction. Opinions can change on a moment’s notice and often do. Convictions order the life.

A conviction goes much deeper. One would be willing to die for a deep conviction but they just might change an opinion. Daniel had his convictions about his relationship to God and he was willing to die for them.

What Christianity needs today is more people who have a true conviction about their salvation, devotion to God, and obedience before Him.

Faithfulness and consistency

Daniel 6:13-16

Three things God will honor in the life of one of His people are commitment, consistency, and constancy. He wants people so sure of their relationship to Him that they know that He will deliver them from danger or tribulation. Nothing we experience catches heaven by surprise and if God knows something is on the horizon He will give His true people the ability to get through it.

Some of the presidents and princes concocted a scheme to get rid of Daniel. Satan will always use people to try to subvert the faithful. He can use demonic forces to harass and cripple one’s life but he more often uses people. This is the case with Daniel.

These men were jealous and sought to eliminate him. When King Darius made his decree about prayer, it did not faze Daniel. He prayed as he always did. In the midst of this crisis, Daniel prayed fervently to God and was not deterred from worshipping Him. Of course, when this was known, the case against Daniel was drawn and the king was bound by traditional law to throw him in the lions den. Of course, we know God protected him and kept the lions’ mouths shut.

God’s people must learn that, to please Him, they must stick with His Word. This old world will make a Christian pay a dear price for not compromising, but God rewards those who hold to their convictions. He will reward consistency.

It may hurt as you stand against sin and opposition to what is right, but you will always win the battle if you are faithfully consistent. Just because the world says abortion is legal and therefore right should not lead a Christian to compromise at that point. You will be called everything despicable if you fight against abortion, but God is always for life and will reward those who stand with Him.

In our day, many are changing their positions on homosexuality simply because they don’t want to be viewed as “backward” or hateful. If a person takes God’s position on such issues they will always be in a battle with the world. Our people have got to be faithful and consistent.

Faithfully conquering

Daniel 6:19-22

As stated above, faithfulness to God will always produce a victory. God will not let His people down in the least sort of way. It cost Daniel to take his stand on worshipping God and refusing to forgo his prayer relationship with God. No matter what, Daniel was going to honor God.

He had to endure the gossip and destructive plans of those who hated him. He was the focus of rabid jealousy. Even those who deny God and disobey Him must have to admit they are jealous of the favor God brings into the lives of those who follow Him.

Instead of doing what the man of God, Daniel, did they sought to destroy him so they would not have to be confronted with their own failures. But, look who won. The king found out God delivered Daniel from the lions. In verses 25-28, we can see how God rewards His faithful people and observe how He changes even the heart of King Darius.

This is a total turnaround. The men who accused Daniel were thrown to the lions along with all their families. The lions “had the mastery of them.” Satan always does people this way. He hasn’t changed his tactics, because they work. But we can defeat him and emerge the conquering person when we simply trust Him and do as He says.

bible studies, Daniel, religious freedom, witness