
DULUTH  — Due to high interest in Governor Brian Kemp’s signing a statewide shelter-in-place order, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board will host a webinar at 9:30 …

By David Palomino Con la reciente revolución asociada con el COVID-19 y la imperiosa necesidad del preventivo aislamiento social, es también importante pensar en el impacto negativo que el …

Staying focused in days of distraction

By David H. McKinley The biggest impact of the Coronavirus pandemic for those semi-sequestered in their homes is probably not the fear of contracting COVID-19, but the …

Press on

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14v   “Eventful” might be too lenient a word. This …

After a crisis, people flock to church

By Sutton Turner  For the first time in recent history, people are being kept away from church during a national crisis. Pearl Harbor, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Financial Crisis of 2008, …

Clark Bunch, pastor of Unity Baptist Church in Gordon County, shops for a ClickList customer at the Kroger in Calhoun. BEN TOW/Special PLAINVILLE  — Last fall …

By Roy Hayhurst DALLAS — The U.S. Small Business Administration’s COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loans will be available to churches and ministries. The loans provide …

Soldiers at a hospital ward at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kan. try to recover after falling ill with Spanish flu in 1918. WIKIPEDIA COMMONS/Special Cancelling services due to illness is not new to …

Tiempos do cambio

Por Jorge Rodriguez Comienza el mes de abril, y que rápido han cambiado las cosas con el pasar de 30 dias. Hoy, todos están ocupados viendo como un enemigo silencioso ha venido a cambiar la vida …

Life in the valley

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.   He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. Psalm 23:1-2   You …

ALBANY — While the situation at Phoebe Putney Health System in Albany looks grim, the women of one local Baptist association are using their skills to help meet a healthcare need. Mike Grenade, …

Aaron Smith, blue t-shirt, joins other members of Peavine Baptist Church to pack boxes of food for children in the Walker County School System. PEAVINE BAPTIST/Special DULUTH  — In a video to …

A virtual Easter egg hunt using the Minecraft video game is just one way some churches are trying to foster interaction among members during social distancing. BP/Special By Diana Chandler NEW …

Daily Bible Readings for April 1-15

Help with decisions

I love being able to call someone I trust and get advice, especially when I need clear direction for a big decision. Aren’t you so glad God has filled His Word with promises that He will give us …

Johnson Ferry Baptist Church is participating with Mount Bethel United Methodist Church in Marietta for a food drive, in addition to other outreach efforts with other congregations. JFBC/Special …


Por Rafael Santos El Señor dijo en Mateo 13:26 que "cuando salió la hierba y dio fruto, entonces apareció también la cizaña.” O sea, es normal que al ver que un grupo de cristianos están …

Mojic Baldandorj, a 2020 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Week of Prayer missionary, has found great success reaching out to fellow Mongolians in Denver through basketball. Baldandorj is a church …

Bible Study for April 5: Eternal life

Bible Studies for Life   Revelation 21:1-8; 22:1-5   Emory Berry, Jr., senior pastor   Greenforest Community Baptist Church, Decatur   Most of us would agree …

By Sandy Wisdom-Martin Leaders are making tough decisions in light of COVID-19 that can have significant ramifications for large numbers of people. As committed Christ followers, we can use our …

Sharing God’s Word

" ... so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. " Isaiah …

We are living in unprecedented times with COVID-19. Uncertainty is the predominant word and fear runs rampant. Yet our God is big and all-powerful. I believe God desires to see a genesis of …

Bruce and Becky Thompson begin a daily walk on Thursday, March 26, ten days removed after Bruce, a Georgia state senator, nearly lost his life from COVID-19. FAITH THOMPSON/Special BARTOW …

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) teams across the United States, like this one from Florida, have been donating N95 masks and other personal protective equipment to hospitals and healthcare …

By GuideStone staff DALLAS (BP) — The COVID-19 Pandemic Phase III Stimulus Package signed into law today (March 27) by President Trump will provide potential relief for churches and …

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