Baptist chaplains respond to New Orleans terror attack


The investigation continues into the fatal terror attack reported early Jan. 1 in New Orleans where at least 15 people have died and another at least 25 sustained injuries.

The FBI has taken over the investigation while the New Orleans law enforcement agencies focus on securing the area for the Sugar Bowl played Thursday afternoon in the city. The playoff game between Georgia and Notre Dame was originally scheduled for New Year’s Day but was postponed in the wake of the mass casualties.

New Orleans Baptist Association Executive Director Jack Hunter said Thursday chaplains with Baptist Community Ministries have been with first responders and are in area hospitals as “the tears and presence of Christ in this dark agony,” reported the Louisiana Baptist Message.

“We weep with those who mourn, and pray for those who suffer,” Hunter added. “Today, area pastors are prayer walking the streets where yesterday evil and havoc were loosened.”

Jamie Dew, president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, said the incident was another reminder that the world is broken and that “we have an enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. I’m confident that the Christians throughout the city of New Orleans will rise to the occasion and show the love of Jesus Christ in this dark moment. … With everyone else, we pray for the justice and mercy that only Jesus can give.”

Louisiana Baptist Executive Director Steve Horn told the Baptist Message, “The purposeful mass casualty attack in New Orleans is pure evil. I am praying now for first responders and medical personnel as they assist the injured. I am praying for families of the deceased as they deal with the horrific news. I am praying for our churches who minister in this city daily.

“On this first day of 2025 we are reminded of the evil that surrounds us,” he noted. “Join me in praying and working to establish a culture of evangelism that will counter this evil with the hope and truth of the gospel.”


This story was compiled by The Baptist Paper, with reporting from Louisiana’s Baptist Message