Bible study: Looking forward to Jesus' return

Matthew 24:32–44


Few things are as exciting for a young couple as the news of a baby on the way. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, a new set of plans and arrangements will follow. Along with doctor visits and the usual bouts of morning sickness, there may be a need for home improvements for a nursery, the purchase of clothes and furniture, and rearranging work schedules. A pregnancy can be stressful for the mother, especially for the first-time mom.

But of course, once the baby arrives all the stresses and uncertainties of the previous nine months are instantly forgotten. The baby is worth the wait.

How eagerly are we as the Church looking for Christ’s return? It is one of the last fulfillments of Christ’s promises that we have yet to realize. For 2,000 years, the return of Christ has been a significant theme in our teaching and doctrine. Each day we experience on earth is another day closer to this coming reality. The victorious return of Christ should stir within us hope and the wonderful expectation of promises fulfilled and eternity with Him.

The return of Jesus is near. (32–35)

Jesus preferred parables as a teaching method and I am thankful. Christ is the greatest storyteller of all time and His lessons are timeless. Although Christmas may be in our rearview mirror, we must not grow lax in our expectations of the coming of Christ. The return of Jesus is at hand.

While our world becomes increasingly sinful and blasphemous, we have the assurance that Jesus is returning and will set all things in order. He reminds us in these verses that His words are immutable and enduring.

The return of Jesus will surprise most people. (36–39)

The return of Jesus will take most people by surprise. He will make His appearance on a day like any other. By the billions, people will be at work, at school, on vacation, driving, flying around the world, and conducting business like any typical day. There are two extremes a Christian can take regarding the Second Coming. One is to be fearful, and the other is to be forgetful. I would add a third option: Be faithful! Keep serving Him, worship Him, show the love of Christ to others, and be ready. Your reward will be great.

The return of Jesus calls for us to be prepared. (40–44)

I strive to live by the motto, “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” A prepared life demonstrates true faith in Christ. “Eat, drink, and be merry” is an incredibly short-sighted lifestyle. The return of Jesus motivates us to serve, not sleep. It is an incentive to focus, not falter; to disciple, not desert. You may have full assurance that you are prepared for the return of Christ, but what about those you love the most and those nearest to you? Your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends need to know about the return of Jesus, and it is our responsibility to tell them.

People near and far celebrate the birth of a new baby. It is a joyous time that involves many people. The return of Christ will affect every one of us. Only those who have prepared will rejoice. Are you in that number?


This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources. The Sunday School lesson outlines are provided by Lifeway.