Having grown up in a small town of fewer than 7,000 people, we were excited when new businesses opened in our area. For instance, a large grocery store opened when I was about 12 years old. It was called Food World, and it was the biggest thing to hit Batesville, Mississippi, in a long time. While the grocery store would be considered average size today, we thought it was a marvel to behold at the time.
A couple of years after that, Captain D’s came to town and some could hardly contain themselves. People waited in a line that stretched into the parking lot for more than an hour for a taste of fast food fish. Both occurrences still cause me to chuckle at the excitement some people display over the grand opening of a new establishment.
The greatest grand opening of all occurred about 2,000 years ago thousands of miles away from where you and I live. It is the essence of our hope and salvation. An open tomb is the reason you and I still celebrate Easter today, and it is the power that grants salvation to a dying world.
If you have experienced grief, you know you will navigate through a myriad of emotions. Sadness, regret and even anger are all common in the grieving process. One factor in grief that is not discussed much is confusion. When you lose a loved one, there can be a type of brain fog that seems to persist. Perhaps when the women arrived at the tomb, they felt a deep confusion. Were they in the right location? Had someone stolen the body? Had the authorities relocated the remains? All these questions and more were answered by two messengers when they proclaimed, “He is not here, but He has risen.” Seeing the empty tomb led them to a big realization that Jesus was alive.
Suddenly the women recalled the words of Christ.
I find comfort in this passage because when I am discouraged or in need of comfort, the words of Jesus will come back to me in perfect time. That morning, the women came with heavy hearts and left rejoicing. That is the power of God’s Word.
For the disciples, seeing was believing. The eyewitness accounts and testimonies of the disciples verified the miraculous fact that Jesus had risen from the dead. He met them where they were, conversed with them, restored Peter and showed them love and encouragement. From that moment on, the lives of the disciples would never be the same.
Their mission would carry them to the remotest parts of the known world. Each time someone comes to Christ and trusts in Him for salvation, they further validate the evidence that the tomb is still empty and Jesus is still alive.
Thanks to the first resurrection morning, we can celebrate everlasting life and forgiveness for our sins. Examine yourself this Easter weekend. When was the last time you contemplated the amazing story of the empty tomb and its implications in your life?
This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources.