Do any of you remember the inexpensive toy that allowed you to take a small magnetic pencil and draw a mustache or beard on the face of a cartoon man? It was cheap entertainment and brought some momentary joy and creativity to children. The magnetic pen was the guide that made the finished product. The small magnetic shavings had to submit to the force of the pen. Do you realize that we are drawn to worship something in our lives? For some, it is money, success, fame, or popularity. Some are drawn to harmful vices. There is no lack of stories regarding people ruining their lives with alcohol or other sinful choices.
Our Maker creates within each person the desire to worship. By His grace and the atonement provided by Jesus, He provides the sole object and subject of our worship: Himself.
Anything or anyone that we worship outside of God will leave us with disappointment and an unfulfilled life. Through life’s experiences, we learn that only God is worthy of our worship and praise.
This passage is interesting because it begins with a series of questions. “Do you not know? Have you not heard?” The reader is asked to look inward and search for an answer. The purpose of these questions is for the reader to realize a starting point for their views of the Almighty God. There are infinite reasons to worship the Father, but perhaps they all rest in the fact that He is all-powerful. Our God, the Maker of heaven and earth, can also be worshipped and trusted to care for me. Our worship of Him is a response and an expression of thanksgiving for who He is and what He has done.
When it comes to God, there is no equal and no worthy competition. This is where the tug of the world, the flesh, and the devil come into play. When you or I choose to sin, we are expressing a lack of trust in the goodness and provision of God. By sinning, we place our adoration on something less than God. It might be for a moment or longer, but we will not know the full measure of the greatness of God if we choose to pursue the counterfeit gods the world has to offer. God on His throne created and sustains the universe.
Who else could we worship that is so mighty? God is everlasting and has not changed.
Our God can be trusted because He repeatedly proves Himself in the world daily. When we place our worship and faith in Him, He will renew and strengthen us. The world takes from us and drains us but God restores us. As we worship Him, His presence transcends everything around us. The things of this world pale in comparison and are minimized in the face of His glory. Tired and discouraged people surround us. Could they have neglected the One who loves them more than anyone?
Through worship, God is drawing us back to Himself. Come back to Him. Rest. Rejoice and worship the One true, living God.
This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources. The Sunday School lesson outlines are provided by Lifeway.