PADUCAH, Ky. (KT) – The gospel waves continue to crest from the Hope for West Kentucky crusade on Nov. 10 at the Paducah Convention Center.
Decision counselor Brian Arnett of Paducah was able to celebrate with a friend who had been in his prayers the past couple of months. He shared about the “roar of feet and chairs being moved” when the invitation was given.
Evangelist Ken Freeman had delivered a powerful message that spoke of God’s purpose, plan and blueprint for every life, using Jeremiah 29-11. It happened to be Arnett’s favorite verse.
But that was not the best part.
“During the invitation, as Bro. Ken invited those to surrender and join us in salvation, it was so quiet and peaceful then as he asked those who prayed with him and was ready to make their way to the front,” Arnett said. “The roar of feet and chairs being moved was overwhelming! The Holy Spirit was so obvious and present during that transition. As the decision teams moved into position, it was so powerful to see the men moving toward us from the front of the stage.”
And then it became even more personal for Arnett.
“In that crowd I noticed a friend that I’d been praying for a couple months to move from a religion to a relationship in Christ Jesus!” he said.
Arnett said another team member recognized the man but said “Brian, he is yours! Go get him!”
Arnett approached the man, and tears began flowing from both their eyes as they embraced over the gospel that had changed a life.
“His first words were, ‘Brian, I had no idea it was this easy.’ We cried and hugged together for several minutes as he kept repeating those words over and over. As we made our way to the back and I gathered his information, we discussed John 3:16 and the Roman Road. I welcomed him into God’s Kingdom and signed a copy of God’s word for him and wrote the date of the best decision he would ever make in his life.”
Around 4,000 jammed their way into the convention center for the crusade with dozens coming forward. Throughout the week, which included a youth crusade and visits to schools from Freeman, 325 professed faith in Jesus Christ.
This story first appeared in Kentucky Today.