GBMB cancels, postpones events in light of recent COVID-19 statistics


Due to increasing concerns over the surge of COVID-19 cases in Georgia, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board has postponed or shifted some of its events online. The statement from the mission board reads:

“We regret to inform you that COVID-19 continues to be a very significant issue across Georgia and presenting very dangerous circumstances that must be addressed. In the last two weeks Georgia is now ranked 7th in the country in uptake on new cases with nearly 100,000 new cases since January 5. Additionally, ICU bed capacity is now over 91 percent which creates very concerning circumstances.  

Given the exposure trends and potential for new cases, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board is altering practices relating to upcoming gatherings/events to lessen exposure potential for attendees and staff. We are sorry to enact such measures but, given the circumstances, it is the only safe and prudent step to take given these challenging trends.”

The effected events include:

  • The Gathering: Pastors’ Wives Retreat (originally January 21-23): POSTPONED.
  • Evangelism Conference: (originally January 25-26): CANCELLED. This will now take the form of online-only resources featuring several of the same speakers. These resources will be posted January 25, 2021.
  • The Associational Mission Strategist Retreat (originally February 4): POSTPONED.
  • The Kids Ministry Summit (originally February 4): POSTPONED.

The Georgia Baptist Mission Board has an ongoing page dedicated to COVID-19 updates and resources. This page includes any cancellations, shifts online, or postponed events as a result of COVID-19.

coronavirus, Georgia Baptist Mission Board