Georgia revival continues with 1025 Church surpassing 100 baptisms


MONROE, Ga. – A post-COVID revival that has been sweeping across Georgia over the past year has resulted in a record number of baptisms at 1025 Church in Monroe, a city of 14,000 people an hour east of Atlanta.

“We had set a goal to reach 100 baptisms, and we passed that,” said Pastor Tommy Fountain Sr. “We actually had 102 baptisms.”

Those baptisms were reported through the Southern Baptist Convention’s fiscal year, which runs from September 1 through August 31.

“We have averaged about 60 baptisms per year for the past six years,” Fountain said. “So, this is a significant increase for us. We’re really excited about that.”

Since the COVID-19 pandemic subsided, Georgia Baptist churches have been reporting large numbers of baptisms statewide. Some churches have reported single-day salvation decisions in triple digits, including Cascade Hills Baptist Church in Columbus with 187 and Peavine Baptist Church in Rock Springs with 111, both on Easter Sunday.

Churches also are reporting more people in worship services. That includes the 1025 Church where Fountain said attendance is back to pre-COVID levels.

“We focus heavily on evangelism at our church,” Fountain said. “Our people are excited about evangelism, and that has meant a lot more people coming to Christ.”

The 1025 Church, with Sunday morning attendance of about 600, is in a former Piggly Wiggly store that has been completely remodeled.

Fountain quips that bread used to be sold in the building, but now the Bread of Life is offered free to everyone.

“Our baptisms have been with children all the way up to senior adults,” he said. “And it’s not just me leading people to the Lord. Our staff and our church members also are leading people to the Lord. It just goes to show that soul winning is contagious. It has energized our worship services. The music is better. The preaching is better. Everything is better.”