LOUISVILLE, Ky. (KT) — The Pastor’s Workshop — designed to offer a unique blend of education and relationship building at a retreat pace — is scheduled for Sept. 16-19 at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Plenary sessions will be led by SBTS President Albert Mohler; Hershael York, dean of the School of Theology, and Justin Irvin, chair of the Department of Leadership and Discipleship.
“The workshop offers a unique opportunity to participate in small cohort discussion and reflection, connect with fellow pastors and sharpen skills for more faithful pastoral service,” according to a news release from Southern.
In addition to the plenary sessions and extensive time of discussion related to pastoral ministry with other pastors and academic leaders, there will be shared meals with fellow pastors and SBTS faculty, and attending chapel services on Tuesday and Thursday.
“A primary component of our mission is to serve the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention,” said Provost Paul Akin. “The Pastor’s Workshop allows us to create a unique environment of relational learning, rest and refreshment on our campus. Our goal is to serve pastors by providing a designated time and space for them to connect with other pastors, engage with our faculty, and to enjoy a break from their everyday duties and responsibilities. There is a mutual encouragement when we gather together.”
Southern hosted a smaller workshop last spring that coincided with the E.Y. Mullins Lectures by Kevin DeYoung, and drew praise from attendees.
“From the sessions to the structured discussions, everything was prepared by practitioners who serve as both pastors and professors; they really knew what would be the most helpful to us as fellow pastors,” said Ben Cowell.
Cheston Pickard said, “Every participant – from coast to coast – seemed to have similar questions and struggles in ministry, needing the same encouragement and wisdom from God’s Word. The Pastor’s Workshop was unlike any class I have ever taken at Southern and was an edifying time for pastors to come together to glean from trusted professors and leaders. Because of the relational nature of the seminar, I believe many friendships were formed that will last a lifetime into eternity.”
The schedule includes:
• Sept. 16: Welcome dinner and opening lecture.
• Sept. 17: Cohort discussions, chapel, optional campus tour, late night event.
• Sept. 18: Lectures, question and answer with Dr. Mohler, group lunches with faculty.
• Sept. 19: Devotional, cohort discussions and chapel.
The workshop is limited to 50 registrants. D.Min students earn seminary credit; Master’s students can inquire about credit options.
Go to www.sbts.edu/the-pastors-workshop/ for information and registration.
This story was first published by Kentucky Today.