RABUN GAP, Ga. – Churches in the Rabun County Baptist Association have delivered a truckload of household supplies for Afghan refugees who have arrived in Georgia after fleeing their homeland when American troops were withdrawn last year.
Tens of thousands of Afghan refugees came to the U.S., hundreds of whom settled in Georgia.
“These are people who fled tyranny, as the Taliban came in power in Afghanistan,” the Rabun County Baptist Association said in a press release. “These displaced people are coming to our nation, experiencing a totally different culture, language, and customs. Most are families with nothing but a few belongings they were able to bring with them.”
Mission Georgia and Georgia Baptist WMU have initiated Project: Afghan Response, inviting Georgia Baptist churches to help the refugees by providing items they need to establish their households.
Led by Rabun County Baptists Judy McCracken and Tammy Whitmire, money was collected and items purchased to help Afghan families.
“We are excited to be able to fulfill this request to assist an Afghan family,” said McCracken, who, along with Whitmire, purchased blankets, towels, toothbrushes , vacuum cleaners, microwaves and other basic household goods for refugees.
“Several churches in our Rabun County Baptist Association helped with this endeavor and we plan to do more” Whitmire said.
Churches are designating specific Sundays to collect more assistance of items and money to continue to provide for these families.
“Most of us could not imagine being uprooted from our homes and relocated to a whole new world, but these folks are in the middle of doing just that,” Whitmire said. “We just want to express our love and concern for these new friends coming to our state.”
Volunteers from the Rabun association delivered the items.
“It takes a lot of people working together to do this kind of project, and we want to do more,” McCracken said.
“This kind of effort takes dedicated volunteers and contributors,” said Bill Barker, the associational missions strategist in the Rabun County association. “This project is driven by our love and concern for all people in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.”