Resources are available to promote Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on Jan. 19


President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day on Jan.13, 1984, and it took place on that Jan.22. That date was the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion on demand in the U.S. in 1973.

January reminds us of the 52nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which led to the deaths of more than 60 million babies in the United States alone.

The good news is that we can once again celebrate the overturning of Roe v. Wade and recommit ourselves to be the hands and feet of Jesus in working together to build a culture of life in Georgia that ministers both to mothers and babies.

The crucial 2022 decision opened the door for the issue to be dealt with from a state legislative perspective rather than a federal judicial perspective. Those who are for the sanctity of all human life must get more involved to make sure that we have true, pro-life candidates in the state legislatures to get more pro-life legislation passed.

It is important that churches and pastors promote the next National Sanctity of Human Life Day on Sunday, Jan.19, 2025. Bulletin inserts for your church are available through this link: Sanctity of Life Sunday 2025

Now more than ever, churches should educate and inspire their members to be involved in the pro-life movement. It would be great if every church had an emphasis and a message preached on God’s view of human life this month!

There is no doubt that from a mother’s perspective, respect for human life begins in the womb (Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 139). We need to believe and teach this so that abortion will become unthinkable in a post-Roe era. By doing so, we will also have a positive impact on the value and sanctity of all life outside the womb.

Trusting the Lord’s value for all human life makes a big difference in our culture. See the Georgia Baptist Convention’s 2014 Pro-life Resolution.

I am so thankful for ministries like Mission Georgia and their emphasis on maternity care, foster care, and adoption. Also, for Georgia Baptists like Suzanne Guy and the LIV (Life Initiatives and Values) ministry at First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Ga., who are educating and caring for mothers and babies. See the following video about the ministry: The Church's Moment - An Incredible Opportunity. These kinds of ministries are making a big difference in showing how we can love our neighbor in difficult times for God’s Glory and the gospel!

Please feel free to contact me at if I could speak to and help your congregation in a post-roe era! God bless you all as you stand for life!