I like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and think she is an honest, straightforward White House press secretary; and I did not like the way Michelle Wolf skewered her at the recent White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington, D.C.
Sarah Sanders is the daughter of Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, the wife of Bryan and mother of three children, and only the third woman to hold the office of White House Press Secretary.
Sanders is also a Christian.
Wolf, whose failed attempt at humor was filled with expletives, launched a tirade of insults and barbs at Sanders in a manner that is neither characteristic of civility nor respect. However, it has become typical of the fake news that is so rampant in our society today, the liberals' lethal attack upon those who are close to the President, and Christians in general.
Michelle Wolf may have become the poster child for profanity and the spokesperson for the liberal left in America. Her comments were reprehensible and inexcusable. What Wolf said told America far more about her own personality and deportment than anything else.
Wolf called Sanders a liar, compared her to Aunt Lydia, a terrible TV character who re-educates women into subjugation and enforces strict punishment on them, and called her an “Uncle Tom for white women.”
Even Maggie Haberman of the New York Times came to Sander’s defense and stated, “That (Sanders) sat and absorbed intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth, instead of walking out, on national television, was impressive.”
Many with Twitter accounts came to Sarah’s rescue with strong comments. Her dad’s Tweet said, “The WHCD was supposed to celebrate the First Amendment. Instead they celebrated bullying, vulgarity, and hate. They got all dressed up so they would look nicer when they had a hired gun savagely attack their guests. Do they really wonder why America has no respect for them? Sad!”
Wolf had her supporters as well on social media, and it amazed me at the number of people who cheered on their champion of vulgarity.
Incidentally, Wolf did not just castigate Sanders, but Vice President Mike Pence and Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who are also Christians.
American Christians seem to be in the crosshairs of the militant left and on the losing end of the culture war for now more than 50 years. We have lost on school prayer, evolution, pro-life, same-sex marriage, and other issues.
Even more recently a New Jersey teacher suspended for giving a student a Bible, a football coach in Washington was suspended for saying a prayer on the field after a game, the Atlanta fire chief was fired for self-publishing a book defending God’s divine plan for marriage, a government employee in Georgia was terminated because his sermons were not acceptable to government officials, a Marine was court-martialed for posting a Bible verse above her desk, and another Marine chaplain disciplined because he was unwilling to facilitate a marriage retreat that included same sex couples.
This nation that was founded upon Christian principles has become a place where Christians are marginalized, ostracized, criticized, traumatized, and criminalized.
It just didn’t seem right for Sarah Sanders to be so abused and mistreated at the White House Correspondence Dinner. If you want to get an idea about the vitriol and venom that the media and the left have for Sarah Sanders and for Christians in general, go read the tweets on the WHCD. Don’t read it if you are faint of heart. It’s profane and frightening that people can be so cruel.
Sanders was interviewed by Baptist Press earlier this year and quoted as saying, “A lot of times people say you need to separate faith and work, and my answer is that you can't. Because if you are a deep-rooted Christian, your faith is what defines you, and I think that's something that I try to take with me in everything I do and certainly don't separate that when I go to work every day."
"I think your faith can help you get through the good and the bad days," Sanders said. "Faith isn't something that you want to lean on just when it is a difficult situation.... [It's] something that I try and I fail like everybody else every single day, but I think trying to do as much as you can to really connect and to have a real faith is important, and I try to do that. Again, some days are sure better than others and certainly we all fall short, but I try to be the strongest Christian that I can every day."
I know that anyone who is the press secretary for the President, and perhaps even particularly for President Donald Trump, would have to be strong, resilient, tough-skinned, and unwavering in the face of the nation’s press corps, but at the WHCD Sarah Sanders was quiet, reserved and took the beating from Michelle Wolf without a murmur.
If anyone doubts that the Bible is literally true, remember that Jesus said, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16).