At our house, we have an older refrigerator that stays in the garage. It is filled mostly with water, sodas, apple juice, and Gatorades. Basically, anytime you want a drink you go to the garage refrigerator. In the spring and summer we “host” little lizards around our house. Of course, all the adults realize they are harmless, but the kids are a different story.
Every now and then we have a lizard in the garage. They might startle you, but we tell the girls all the time that the lizards are more afraid of you than you should be of them. For a while, none of the girls (except Lottie, who will do anything and proudly tell you she is not afraid) would get a drink out of the garage. They would wait until one of us was heading that way and then request an adult to get their drink.
I noticed a couple of months ago Liza who is ten, started getting her own items out of the garage fridge. However, to this day, when she goes into the garage she sings at the top of her lungs. Sometimes she just loudly yells random things, but mostly she sings. I finally realized that she was singing to let any lizard know she was coming through. I am assuming she feels as though her singing warns them and makes her feel safe and secure that they “hear” her coming.
I found it quite comical until I started thinking about how I handle fear or anxiety. Honestly, music is my go-to. I am definitely not a good singer, but I love worship music and the words to the songs. I can leave work after a very stressful day and just ride with music. The music relieves my stress and refreshes my soul. I can sing as loud as I want and it is a “joyful noise” to the Lord.
In reality, I think I am warning Satan that I am safe and secure because God is with me. It's a warning that Satan needs to heed and leave me alone! There are other times when I just feel sad and unsettled. There might be a reason behind it, or it just might be the heaviness of life and all it sends my way. Singing will not change my circumstances, but it will change my outlook on those circumstances.
There are so many times when music has ministered to me. The words of the song have been the lifter of my heart and soul in worship. In Psalms 59:16-17 it says “But I will sing of your strength; in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely." The Word says God is our strength, God is our fortress that guards us, and God is our refuge (safe place) when we are having trouble.
Singing gives me strength when I am weak and worn out. Singing reminds me that no matter how bad this world or circumstances are around me, God is my protector. Singing reminds me of God's compassionate love for me. Singing also emotionally connects me to God who is my safe place in times of trouble. Whether I am stressed, anxious, or just scared of lizards, He is there! I can't help but think about the words to the hymn "There's Within My Heart a Melody." I cannot tell you how many times this song has ministered to me with the message in the lyrics. To me it really does put words to the scripture in Psalms 59:16.
There's within my heart a melody Jesus whispers sweet and low;
Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still, in all of life's ebb and flow.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know,
Fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.
I know this world is crazy. I know my schedule is crazy. At times my stress level can be off the charts and the demands on my time and needs can be overwhelming. I am sure at times you feel the same way. However, I know that MY GOD is bigger than all those things.
He is able to handle the stress, fears, uncertainty, and anxiety we all might have. He is always there to walk beside us through anything this life sends our way. God can put a melody in my heart that can fill me up and keep me going. He can do the same for you! Life will always have ups and downs and highs and lows. A song of praise to God settles your heart and strengthens your mind. It's fuel for your soul to handle difficult times. His melody is the safest, sweetest song and the peace in a crazy world.
And guess what? He is not afraid of anything, including lizards. My advice is to sing loud, sing often, and warn the enemy that you are safe and secure because you belong to God.
Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at