
SOUTHEAST ASIA — In a dimly-lit wooden home, a paralyzed man shares the story of his paralysis, his time with a witch doctor, and finally, his vision of heaven. IMB missionary …

IMB missionary Katee Sheppard* smiles at a truck stop in West Africa. Sheppard visits the truck stop regularly to share oral Bible stories with truck drivers. She began this ministry to truckers more …

WASHINGTON (BP) -- International religious freedom experienced both gains and losses in 2019, Trump administration officials said upon the release of the U.S. State Department's annual report on the …

Technology brought evangelistic training and the Gospel to many countries throughout the world. GETTY/Special ALEXANDRIA, La. (LBM) — Evangelist Sammy Tippit, …

Illustration by Terry Pedigo By Hugh Johnson It was a characteristically cold, damp English winter day. A monochrome grey sky seeped unrelating rain, the weather mirroring my somber mood. I was …

Gladys "Glad" Martin served alongside her husband, Jack, in Thailand as missionaries for more than 30 years through the Foreign (now International) Mission Board. BP/Special RICHMOND, Va. (BP)  …

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) — 2020 has been a year like no other. COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has taken lives across the globe and caused untold sickness and suffering. Closed …

Joey Zorina, pastor of The Bridge Fellowship in Tokyo, preaches April 19 via livestream. Submitted photo By Grace Thornton TOKYO — On normal days, Pastor Joey Zorina is keenly aware that his …

As the congregation of Immanuel Baptist Church in Madrid is spread out all over the city in lockdown, Pastor Tim Melton – just like pastors across Europe – looks for ways to minister without …

IMB missionaries to Japan gather for a meal with friends. International Mission Board leaders have directed overseas personnel to postpone hosting mission volunteer groups through June 30. In …

Georgia Baptist Bahamas rebuild begins

LMCO: Sidewalk chapel [VIDEO]

LMCO: Sowing seeds [VIDEO]

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