First Baptist Church of Thomaston, Georgia is actively seeking a Minister of Music. The role could be full-time or part-time. As a committee, we are open to either as a consideration.
• Boldly profess a genuine Christian testimony and character
• Strongly support and advocate for the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 statement
• Exhibit proficient vocal and instrumental skills
• Ability to read music, pick arrangements including brass, hand bells, woodwinds, percussion, and rhythm instruments
• Proficient working knowledge of church management presentation software, Planning Center, and in-ear monitoring systems and software
• 5 years experience in leading music/worship with a Southern Baptist church setting and historically, this person will have completed appropriate college and seminary preparation
• Exhibit proficiency in building relationships with the congregation and community
About Our Church:
First Baptist Church of Thomaston is a 200-year-old church, located in downtown Thomaston, Georgia. We average approximately 200 in two Sunday morning worship services. We believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and Jesus Christ is the only means to salvation. We are strongly committed to missions locally, nationally, and internationally. First Baptist Church enjoys a blended music worship style with multiple instruments. Our staff enjoys a very low turnover rate.
Check out our church’s Facebook page: First Baptist Thomaston
How to Apply:
Please submit your cover letter, resume, and current picture via email