A move of God: 24 students make professions of faith in Shorter University chapel service


ROME, Ga. – In what Shorter University President Donald Dowless described as “a mighty movement of God,” 24 students made decisions to follow Christ in a chapel service at the school on Wednesday.

“What a blessing,” Dowless said. “Our No. 1 goal at Shorter University is advancing God’s kingdom, so when our students get saved, it’s exciting for us. Not only do we have more brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God, but we have students who will graduate and share the gospel in their chosen vocations.”

The chapel speaker, Georgia Baptist Convention President Kevin Williams, said the response was thrilling.

“It was amazing, just watching God move,” he said.

While Shorter is a Baptist college, students do not have to be believers to enroll. But, Dowless said, the faculty and staff will do all they can to ensure students have opportunities to respond to the gospel, including by bringing top preachers like Williams in for chapel services.

“I love the opportunity to speak to the students and present the gospel,” Williams said. “I always pray hard and hope to see God move. Today, He moved in a big way.”