In Armenia, life for children with special needs is often a difficult one. A lack of accessible education and rehabilitation services—in addition to prevalent cultural stigmas around people with disabilities—commonly results in isolation, limiting their opportunities to attend school and interact socially. In some situations, shame will drive families to hide these children from the public, rarely allowing them to leave the walls of their homes. This is a group of people desperately in need of a sense of normalcy and relief. This summer, your support allowed Send Relief to provide just that.
Every year, our local partners in Armenia organize a three-day summer camp specifically for special needs children and their families. This year, 51 children, 41 of their mothers, and 64 local volunteers attended. It was an incredible opportunity to show the love of Jesus to a population often forgotten by the rest of the world.
During this camp, children with disabilities were able to meet and build relationships with similarly abled kids, feeling acceptance as opposed to the rejection they normally face. Volunteers provided fun, interesting, joy-filled entertainment specifically catered to the campers and their needs.
One mother shared how her daughter had seen her brothers go to camp each summer and couldn’t understand why she couldn’t go as well. However, the mother knew that with her daughter’s special need, attending a standard camp wouldn’t be an option. As soon as she found out about this camp specifically catered to children like her daughter, she signed up immediately. For this child, the experience of being included in something she felt excluded from before was deeply impactful. Her mom said that for several days after returning home, the girl couldn’t stop smiling.
Not only does this camp minister to children with special needs, but it also provides a respite for their mothers. This summer, the 41 mothers who attended finally had a chance to rest, knowing that their kids were being cared for in a safe, loving environment. They had time for recreation and connection with other moms, a rare and needed opportunity.
In fact, many of the mothers said this was the first time they were able to be with people who truly understood what they were going through. Being provided with this experience, especially by people who loved their children so well, was incredibly moving for these women. When they were presented with the gospel message, many began to cry and said they wanted to put their faith in Jesus. Local partners are working to connect them with local churches so they can continue to learn from Scripture and grow in their faith.
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (CSB). This summer camp served as a beautiful expression of this verse. Around the world, children with special needs and their families are some of the most passed-over members of society, made to feel unloved and unworthy of attention. However, they are deeply loved by their Creator, and because of your support of Send Relief, we were able to put this love into action in Armenia.