Bible study: Praying for our nation

2 Chronicles 7:1–3, 12–20


One of the most treasured possessions in a family’s home is the collection of recipes. Passed down through generations, certain dishes become family favorites and even commemorate certain occasions.

My grandmother has been deceased for nearly 20 years, but we still talk about her homemade strawberry cake. For my wife’s family, their homemade macaroni and cheese is legendary. My wife, Amy, is an incredible cook; she can prepare the dish in her sleep. I have asked her before where the original recipe for the mac and cheese is located and she has no idea. She learned from watching her grandmother many years ago.

One time I watched her prepare it as part of our Thanksgiving meal and was intrigued by her use of measurements. “How do you know how much of each ingredient to include?”  I asked. Her reply was, “I just know.”  Her rule of thumb is, “a little bit of this and some of that.” I would never be able to replicate her procedure, but she knows by experience what it takes to achieve the end result.

Our nation needs prayer more than ever before. We possess the recipe required for renewal. It is not as if God cannot do a mighty work in our nation. The problem is we are not willing to heed His conditions for it to come to fruition. The verses in our lesson this week were not originally intended for us today, but the principles God lays out are still applicable in our culture.

God’s glory compels us to humble ourselves before God. (1–3)

Many times, God will show His glory when we bow before Him. When we exalt ourselves, God is not pleased and will not bless His people. The battle between sinful pride and Christ-like humility is prevalent in the heart of each believer. When you attend a worship service, the sole priority of your will and attention is to hear from God, give Him praise and follow with obedience.

The room’s temperature, the color of the carpet, the song selection and even the pastor’s sermon are insignificant compared to meeting with God.

God promises to hear our prayers when we turn to him. (12–16)

We may sometimes think that God is distant from hearing our prayers and is not personally interested in our lives. On the contrary: We are created to have an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father, and no substitute can replace the eternal value of time spent with Him. God reveals to Solomon if the people will simply humble themselves, seek Him and repent, God will forgive them and restore their fellowship with Him. These same principles are true today. Whatever ills we may face in our homes, churches or nations can be remedied if we repent and seek the Father. These intentional decisions are made at the personal level and it matters little who occupies the school house or the White House. Renewal is a response to God’s people obeying God’s word.

God blesses those who faithfully follow Him. (17–20)

God makes it clear to Solomon that he has a choice. Obey His Word and be blessed. Choose not to obey and you will reap the consequences.

God’s recipe of blessing has not changed throughout time, places or cultures. It comes down to a willingness on the part of each child of God to bow before God and repent of any area in which they are not completely following Him. Follow the recipe in these verses and pass it down to each generation.


This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources.