Lately, I have been on a poetry kick. I cannot precisely tell you why or how I landed on this new reading hobby, but it is good for the mind and beats watching the so-called entertainment on television.
While there are many forms and genres of poetry, one common goal of the poet is to inspire the reader. Poetry can move a person to tears, joy, or even anger. Many of the songs you enjoy are poems set to music. It’s not uncommon for people to memorize an inspirational poem.
Turning to our faith, what motivates or inspires you to worship God? Worship can be defined in many ways, but at its deepest level, it is a response.
For too many churches, worship focuses on the style and neglects the substance. Genuine worship can prompt many actions in the life of a believer; none may be more personal than a recognition of the holiness and goodness of God.
We worship because God is good, not because we seek public affirmation. Someone who worships God in spirit and truth is well aware of the goodness of God.
God’s goodness is why He forgives us and provides eternal life. When we consider how good God is, our response should be worship.
Not only is God good, but He is also exceedingly faithful. Even the best Christian will sin and disobey God’s Word. With God, there is no shifting or compromise. He is steady and can be trusted.
God’s way is the only way to forgiveness, fulfillment, and blessing. This is made possible only as God reveals Himself through Christ, His Word, the Holy Spiri,t and the gospel’s good news.
Because of the vastness of His forgiveness, our sins are no match for His grace. This should lead us to praise!
Worship cannot be fully appreciated if it is only practiced on Sunday. Scripture tells us that a person who constantly seeks the Lord and responds in worship will have a blessed life. That does not mean life will always be easy, but if we anchor each day in God, He will give us the counsel and guidance we need.
Each of us needs direction in our spiritual life. When we worship, we are acknowledging our dependence on Him. In the moments when we stray, God seems distant to us. Worship brings us back to the reality of His presence and concern.
I recently had the opportunity to visit someone very special to me who is dying. She told of her life’s many joys and challenges, but each time, she ended her sentences with the words, “But God has been so good to me.”
Worship is both a response and a reminder. When things are good, worship. When things are difficult, worship. God is faithful; we respond in worship. God is forgiving, and we respond in worship.
We cannot worship the Heavenly Father too much. Our challenge is to slow down long enough to contemplate and consider His great love for us and all He has done to demonstrate that love. That’s powerful enough to make a poet out of us all!
This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources. The Sunday School lesson outlines are provided by Lifeway.