Bible study: Treasuring the God Who treasures

Exodus 1:16–17, 22–2:10


A person’s name can say a lot about them. Of course, none of us has any say in our names, but it seems that the name often fits the person’s nature or demeanor. For example, I have known people named Grace who were pleasant, and I can recall an older lady from when I was a child named Ima Jewel who was a genuinely sweet person. Do you know that every baby is a jewel? They are wonderful expressions of God’s handiwork and are living treasures for all who know them.

Life is a gift from God, and all human life is precious in God’s sight. We are grossly unlike Jesus when we choose to champion one person’s life over another or believe a particular group or culture is superior to another. One way we can make a statement about appreciating all life is to be a voice for the unborn. Not all pregnancies may be planned or even wanted, but that does not diminish the value of the unborn life.

The fear of God leads us to treasure all human life. (1:16–17)

The Egyptian king did not value the Hebrew people. He saw the Israelites as threatening his power and reasoned that the threat must be eliminated. He was ignorant of the history of the Israelite people and was ruthless in making them suffer. For starters, he made them slaves under the supervision of cruel Egyptian taskmasters. By doing so, he separated families from one another and subjected them to oppressive physical labor. Another strategy involved population control through infanticide. His goal was to kill the newborn males so there would be fewer Hebrew warriors. If this were achieved, the Hebrew women would become more dependent on the Egyptian way of life.

Treasuring human life leads us to protect others. (1:22–2:3)

Much good can come from just one person doing the right thing. Moses’ mother was the hero in this story. She saw her newborn boy as beautiful and would do anything to save his life. Isn’t that what a good parent does? A mother or father will do anything to help their children.

My two daughters are well past the baby age, but I find myself now more than ever wanting to provide for their safety and security. It is refreshing to see bold and trusting love in a society of people who tend to only look out for themselves.

Treasuring human life leads us to provide for others. (2:4–10)

Treasuring a human life does not end at their birth. Imagine setting a newborn baby aside and saying, “Good luck!” As absurd as that sounds, it should compel us to see each life’s worth regardless of age, background, or social status. God had a plan for Moses, and He has a plan for each life in this world.

We will never see how that plan manifests with most people, but that should not hinder our love and passion for helping people and caring for their well-being. We each have been named sons and daughters of God. I pray we will all represent that name to the best of our ability and for His glory. If we can do that, we will be jewels too!


This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources. The Sunday School lesson outlines are provided by Lifeway.