Coach Mark Richt is featured guest at Shorter University's 2023 President's Gala


ROME, Ga. — Shorter University hosted its 6th annual President’s Gala this past Thursday, breaking its record with attendance and fundraising for student scholarships.

The evening started with a VIP reception in the Price Learning Center, which included music by student Even Wyatt, hors d’oeuvres, and pictures with former University of Georgia Coach Mark Richt.

The rest of the evening continued in the Winthrop-King Centre where emcee Chris Cole welcomed all the guests and shared his best jokes. The Season Events catered a wonderful dinner, which was followed by a Celebration of Christmas from the Shorter Chorale.

Shorter University athletes joined the rest of the guests as coach Richt began his Q&A portion of the event. Richt was interviewed by Chris Cole, and he answered many questions about his life before, during, and after his time as a coach.

Everyone recognizes coach Richt for his successful coaching career, but he gave all the glory to God. Richt was able to share his testimony of how he came to know the Lord. He shared many old memories, and the crowd was able to get to know a whole new side of the famous football coach. Richt also was able to share his view on the importance of Christian education.

He left the audience with, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily unto the Lord rather than men (Colossians 3:23). A lot of times young people say, ‘What should I do?’ or ‘What does God want me to do?’ but God says whatever you do, do your work the best you can do it and do it for God, and when you are out in the world, be a light.”

“It was an honor to host Coach Mark Richt for the evening. His stories and testimony captivated all that were in attendance,” said Shorter University President Don Dowless. “Coach Richt gave all glory to God for his career and challenged everyone to live a life that honored God. We are thankful for our underwriters and sponsors for making it possible for our students to attend Shorter.”

The President’s Gala was a magnificent event, a night to remember, and a great way to fundraise for student scholarships.