Commentary: Pity the unbelievers


Recently while listening to an old Gospel hymn, I realized how wonderful I felt in knowing Christ as my Savior. And it caused me to start thinking how much I pitied people today who are unbelievers. I pity them for the sheer joy they miss on earth by not believing in God. I especially pity them for the grim future in store for their poor souls.

People today rush through life thinking only of today and the problems and challenges they face. They have no time or desire to contemplate anything eternal. What a pity and what a shame!

One of my favorite old hymns is entitled, “Are You Washed in the Blood.” It is asking, of course, if you have trusted Christ as your personal Savior. I particularly like the verse that asks, “Are you walking daily by the Savior’s side?” and “Do you rest each moment in the Crucified?” These are crucially important questions that are so ignored by the world today. What a shame!

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Christmas Day and the God-Man, Jesus of Nazareth. But I have to wonder how many people actually celebrated materialism instead of the birth of the Savior. How many merely celebrated time off from work instead of Christ, the real reason for the season? How many celebrated family without giving God thanks for their families?

What a tragedy it is to fail to see Truth Incarnate (Christ). How unfortunate to rush through this fleeting life on earth and miss the only opportunity to live happily forever in the bliss of heaven. I have preached a good number of funerals as a minister of the Gospel. And I always try to comfort the family and survivors of the deceased. But I never say, “He is in a better place,” unless I know for sure the deceased was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is because I know he is not in a better place if he rejected Christ as Savior. Rejecting Christ is the one unforgivable sin against God. Jesus Himself declared, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

It is so easy to go to heaven by simply believing in and trusting Christ as Savior. Romans 10:13 promises that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. This is a promise made by God Almighty, and God keeps all His promises. Sadly, man lets his pride get in the way. Satan is behind all sin and he is especially careful to keep people from believing the truth that will save them.

Satan is very shrewd. He causes people to not only doubt his own existence, but to often think the devil is a myth and laughable. Speak of the devil today around most people and they will laugh you to scorn. What a dangerous and tragic way to think and live!

But Satan does exist, and God exists. Believing otherwise changes nothing. One day the Bible promises that every eye will see Christ and every knee will bow before Him. How very dreadful it will be for unbelievers but how wonderful for believers!


Ralph Fudge is the pastor of Big Ochlocknee Baptist Church in Coolidge, Ga., and has a Master’s degree in theology from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.