I was excited to read a recent report from the International Mission Board about the successes of Southern Baptist missionaries in Taiwan. The stories of changed hearts and lives are an encouragement to every Christian.
One new Taiwanese believer told of how he overheard a missionary speaking to his son about how God made a way to forgive sinners. Afterwards, the missionary approached the man and asked to share the good news with him.
This man had been struggling under the weight of his sins, and he told the missionary that “today God sent you to help me know how to resolve it.” The man, his son and another family member all gave their lives to Christ that night!
In late 2021, Taiwanese Baptists commissioned six missionaries to serve with the International Mission Board in Asia and Africa. However, the COVID-19 pandemic caused travel delays, forcing the missionaries to stay in Taiwan. While waiting, they partnered with IMB missionaries in the country, spreading the Gospel to their fellow Taiwanese.
IMB missionaries trained their Taiwanese colleagues in ways to quickly share about Jesus Christ, and they spent their days reaching out to residents and passing that training on to nearby churches.
In the last three months, more than 100 people have been saved.
Of the willingness of her countrymen to receive the good news, one missionary says the hearts of her countrymen are “soft and ready for the Gospel.”
They see God at work through the delay in their initial travel plans, giving them the opportunity to preach the Gospel to many in their homeland before heading off to other countries. Having local missionaries working alongside them also gave established IMB missionaries occasion to build relationships with local churches.
As you read these stories, be encouraged! God is at work throughout the world, and through His people! Pray that the efforts of these Taiwanese missionaries will bear fruit for the Kingdom, in Taiwan and elsewhere.