Frank Nuckolls has vision for Flint River Association to reach the world


GRIFFIN, Ga. – Frank Nuckolls served as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board from 1992 to 2019. At the conclusion of his ministry with the GBMB, God opened the door in July 2019 for him to become the Associational Mission Strategist for the Flint River Baptist Association. Nuckolls reported, “I am blessed to serve this association. It was founded in 1824 and will commemorate its bicentennial anniversary in two years. I am trusting the Lord to give me the privilege of being the AMS here when that milestone is celebrated.”

Having served as a consultant for churches and associations across the state for 27 years, Nuckolls has a systematic and strategic four step plan for strengthening the ministry of Baptist associations and, subsequently, their affiliated churches.

First, Nuckolls believes that the work of an AMS should be regarded as a divine call and not a mere profession. He explained, “The missionary’s role in the life of the association is not a short-term ministry or a steppingstone to another place of Christian service, but a clear and definite call from God to serve Him by ministering to the churches in the association.

Second, Nuckolls is convinced that building relationships with pastors and laity is imperative. He remarked, “Pastors and laity are essential in helping the AMS accomplish the vision and mission of the association. Relationships are also important, because when there is a need in a local church, whether it pertains to calling a pastor, an interim or transitional pastor, or providing consultation about a need, a ministry, or a crisis, the church will have confidence in securing the services of the Associational Mission Strategist if he has built meaningful relationships with the people in that congregation.

The Flint River Missionary added, “During this COVID-19 crisis when many churches did not meet for public worship, I spent time prayer driving and prayer walking at each church location in our association. I set a schedule for a certain number of churches each day. I sent a text to each Pastor asking for specific prayer requests and to let them know the time I would be by their church. After I prayer walked each church, I would text a picture of that church to the Pastor with a note that he and his church had been the object of my intercession.  This approach was designed not to elevate myself, but to build a relationship with each pastor and church. Often, the pastor would meet me at his church and prayer walk with me.”

Nuckolls continued, “I also visit a different Flint River church every week to build relationships with pastors and church leaders. One church’s pastor died from having contracted COVID -19.  I was able to provide care for this church during their time of grief. This church that had not been active in the work and support of the association for many years. Because of the relationship I had with the church leaders they trusted me and asked me to guide them in the process of finding an interim pastor and pastor. The new pastor is actively involved in the life of the association and the church is now supporting the association financially; and because the church did not give to the association the previous year, Flint River received a check to make up for their lack of giving that year.”

Third, focusing on strategic leadership is a priority with Nuckolls. He is working to facilitate and connect churches to partner together in fulfilling the Great Commission by (a) Empowering churches (Matthew 16:18), (b) Equipping leaders (2 Timothy 2:2), and (c) Engaging in missions (Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19-20).

Fourth, Nuckolls believes the AMS must lead the association to focus on missions both locally and globally. He wants the churches in his area to become Acts 1:8 missional churches reaching their Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and uttermost parts of the world as Jesus specified. Consequently, he has led the Flint River Association to be involved in mission projects in the region of the state where their churches are located (their Jerusalem).

Then Nuckolls has urged the churches in his association to reached across the state to assist Dr. Dwayne Boudreaux and his associational mission field in the Augusta area (Judea) by engaging teams to encourage church planters, join them in prayer walks, serve through the Broad Street Mission Center, assist with construction projects, participate in evangelistic endeavors, and identify other mission needs. 

Nuckolls is also leading his association to partner with South Central Pennsylvania  (Samaria) to work with church planters, canvas or explore communities for potential church plants, train leaders, encourage pastors and serve existing churches. One of the many things the Flint River Association has done in Pennsylvania is respond to a request for backpacks. Covenant Community Church in Harrisburg agreed to distribute Christmas backpacks to needy children. The Flint River Association set a goal of providing 100 backpacks with an additional 50 to be provided by the Augusta Association, but God provided 200 backpacks through His people. When the backpacks were distributed to the children, their families received a Gospel witness and an invitation to receive God’s gift of salvation. Nuckolls’ relationship with Barry Whitworth, Executive Director of the Baptist Resource Network, is paving the way for a significant partnership covenant with churches and ministries in this rapidly growing area of Appalachian.

The uttermost part of the world has not been forgotten in Nuckolls heart and mind. He is leading the churches of the Flint River Baptist Association to engage in a missional partnership with the Dominican Baptist Convention. Last year a team from the Flint River Association traveled to the Dominican Republic to assess needs and determine where to best invest their resources. One church, Iglesia Bautista Primera in Bonao, had success in reaching people in their community, but had no Bibles to give the 35 new converts. In August 2021 Scott Hollingsworth, pastor of Pine Grove Baptist Church in Fayetteville and Nuckolls delivered the Bibles to pastor Jose Alberto and joy abounded among the recipients of the Word of God. A team of missionaries from Flint River Association will be going to the Dominican Republic on March 5 to work with the leadership of the Dominican Baptist Convention and assist the Dominican pastors with evangelism in their communities.

Nuckolls has a clear vision for what he believes God wants him to accomplish in the Flint River Association. He testified, “I envision a day in FRBA when churches are healthier, stronger, and more engaged in missions as they partner with likeminded believers and strive to fulfill the Great Commission. This vision must be accomplished through prayer, development and implementation of peer cohort groups with pastors and church leaders, equipping leaders through training, webinars, podcasts, etc., and the engagement of churches in missions in all four areas of Acts 1:8. This vision includes the revitalization of existing churches, replanting some congregations, and planting new congregations.”