From the churches: FBC Americus celebrates retirement of Pastor Parks after 35 years of service


AMERICUS - Ga. — First Baptist Church in Americus celebrated the retirement of Rev Keith Parks on Sunday, July 28. Keith came to FBC as Minister of Music & Sr. Adults on July 31 1989 straight out of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He served in that position until July 19, 2015, when he became Pastor of First Baptist Church. He has served as Pastor for the last 9 years. His official last day as Pastor of FBC will be July 31, 2024, as he completes 35 years of service in one church.

Keith’s wife Judy Parks has served as Church Pianist all these years and will continue to serve as Church Pianist. It’s extremely rare to see a minister serve only one church in full-time ministry and stay for 35 years. Keith’s father was Rev. Lester Parks, who served as a GBC pastor at churches in Columbus & Cario.