Georgia’s Lake Country Baptist Church sends 8-person team to Guatemala


EATONTON, Ga. – Lake Country Baptist Church sent a team of eight persons to Guatemala, March 21-28, to work with a Guatemalan church in Puerto Barrios which is located about eight hours northeast of Guatemala City.  Lake Country partnered with the Iglesia Bautista Siloe Church there.  An organization, E3 Volunteers, assists churches from the United States to partner with Central and South American churches and this organization assisted our church on this mission trip.  The Lake Country Baptist team consisted of retired health care workers and several children's ministry leaders from our church.

Four medical clinics over the course of two days provided basic primary care to over 100 adults and children.  A local Guatemalan primary care physician worked with our team during the four clinics.  Illnesses that were most common in the area were hypertension and diabetes.    

The team also had the opportunity to spend a day with teachers and students in a one room schoolhouse just outside of Puerto Barrios and were able to paint the building and spend time playing games, telling Bible stories and sharing some arts and crafts with the 24 children who attend the school.

The Lake Country team also had the opportunity to help Iglesia Bautista Siloe church celebrate their 24th anniversary on Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday morning with worship services.  Our pastor preached and one of our members led the worship during these times assisted by local translators.

The humanitarian effort by the team was appreciated by the locals and many new friends were made as a result.