How liberals redefine bad ideas with clever terminology


Through the years pejorative or insensitive language has been changed into something more acceptable. For example, people are no longer buried in graveyards, but memorial parks. The aged are now considered chronologically challenged. Individuals once classified as mentally retarded now have an intellectual disability or are called persons with special needs.

However, in recent years the redefining of terms seems to be more akin to propagandizing and brainwashing. In fact, liberals have changed word meanings with the intent to deceive.

For example, the Democratic Platform says, “Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion – regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured."

In the past few decades, we have become accustomed to hearing ambiguous terms like “pro-choice,” “unintended pregnancies," “pregnancy discrimination," and “evidence-based sex education."

The clever terminology in this area began years ago when those who were offended by being referred to as “pro-abortionists” decided to change the rhetoric to a more palatable term – “pro-choice." You can change the name all you want to, but abortion is still the murder of a human life. Or as Dr. W.A. Criswell, famed pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, once stated, “A skunk by any other name still stinks.”

Jeannie DeAngelis, writing for the American Thinker, declares, “By manipulating words, employing 'nuances,' and stretching the truth, former president Bill Clinton was actually able to get many Americans to agree that the meaning of ‘is’ is subjective, which is both remarkable and chilling.

“In like manner, for forty years, liberals have also utilized semantics to impact the definition of ‘life,’ and not for the better. Since the ruling of Roe v. Wade, supporters of abortion have been desperately trying to convince themselves and others that a growing, developing fetus is not alive and that, much like the concept of ‘is,’ ‘life’ is also a subjective notion that hinges only on viability.

“As a result, not only have semantics specialists managed to change the foundational definition of life in the minds of those inclined to agree with them, but they’ve also been effective at keeping the idea fluid. Far afield from where it started in 1973, ‘pro-choice’ has now come to mean disposing of human beings up to and including the very moment of birth (and in some cases, even after birth).

“That’s why as the government gears up to assume the role of determining who lives and who dies, the nation that has exploited semantics to explain away the morally repugnant procedure called abortion is about to find itself backed into a corner of its own making.”

George Orwell said, “Political language ... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

Furthermore, consider the fact that when “liberals” realized that their label identified them as a people with a left-wing agenda, a bloated government, and a socialist ideology they decided that they would prefer to be called “progressives” rather than liberals. Politicians who crusade for higher taxes, increased social services, gay rights, abortion rights, amnesty, etc. do not want to be known as “liberals," but the word “progressive” seems to be more tasteful or socially acceptable.

Because of the negative connotations that the word “liberal” has attached to it, there is no longer a Congressional Liberal Caucus, but there is a Progressive Caucus. Tammy Baldwin, the lesbian senator from Wisconsin promotes herself as “A Progressive Fighter,” not a "Liberal Fighter." The “progressives” are out in front, zealously seeking to lead us into the future, but it may be a future of chaos, calamity, and confusion.

Deroy Murdock, writing in National Review, states, “America’s Democratic Left craftily swaps the words associated with its policies. As public opinion or the facts start to escape them, presto! Their speeches, articles, and TV appearances employ new language. Leftists leave inconvenient lingo behind, like a snake’s abandoned skin languishing between desert rocks. Inexplicably, though, the Republican Right usually adopts the Left’s new parlance. This inadvertently advances the collectivist cause.”

When people in America are reluctant to accept things like inclusiveness, diversity, gender equality, etc. they are assigned to sensitivity classes. I realize that sensitivity training could be helpful in some ways, but in many cases it is a Satanic brainwashing technique, the results of which lead believers to “gracefully accept” rather than “scripturally oppose” evil and evil workers.

Sensitivity Training has been defined as: "Psychological techniques and programs designed to change the standards, attitudes, and behavior of individuals." The term "sensitivity training" was apparently coined by behavioral scientists who are obsessed with the idea that a Utopian society and world can be realized through psychological means.

Marsha West, writing for Renew America, explains, “Liberal ideologues redefine words to help advance a religious, political, environmental, scientific, or social agenda. Never mind that to do so is to pervert the truth. Their motto is 'The end justifies the means' or to be more precise: Do whatever it is you must in order to get the result you want, regardless of the methods used.' It does not matter whether these methods are legal or illegal, fair or foul, kind or cruel, truth or lies, democratic or dictatorial, good or evil.

“Liberal ideologues redefine words to help advance a religious, political, environmental, scientific or social agenda. Never mind that to do so is to pervert the truth. Their motto is ‘The end justifies the means’ or to be more precise: Do whatever it is you must in order to get the result you want, regardless of the methods used. "It does not matter whether these methods are legal or illegal, fair or foul, kind or cruel, truth or lies, democratic or dictatorial, good or evil."

The problem today is that we have a lethargic, apathetic population that seems to be abysmally unaware of what is happening in our society and what some wily and unscrupulous people are doing to our language. Words matter, and many are being deceived by the clever semantics of those who have a nefarious agenda. We must wake up, refuse to believe a lie, rebuke those who propagate deceitful words and embrace the absolute truth of God’s Word.

Democrats, freedom of speech, liberals, progressives, religious liberty