SOCIAL CIRCLE — Jackie Hardy is an effervescent, animated, industrious woman who is investing much of her life in missions, prayer, and ministry.
At the recent annual meeting of the National Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) in Phoenix, AZ, Jackie was elected as recording secretary for the national missionary organization that meets in conjunction with the annual session of the Southern Baptist Convention. Jackie is the wife of Mike Hardy, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Social Circle.
The WMU presidents from each state or region where state conventions are combined serve as vice-presidents of the National WMU Executive Board. The additional officers of president and recording secretary are nominated and elected by that Board.
The official statement regarding the function of the Board is as follows: "The function of the WMU Executive Board is similar to that of most boards of non-profit organizations. They establish policies and make broad plans for WMU, SBC; elect our executive director and approve executive leadership; and advocate for missions involvement through WMU organizations and ministries in their area, among other responsibilities."
Jackie explained, “I was blessed to have served as the president of Georgia WMU from 2013-2017. In January of 2017 I also served as the interim recording secretary for National WMU because the current recording secretary had resigned and couldn’t fulfill her term.
“At the recent annual meeting of National WMU, Linda Cooper of Bowling Green, KY was re-elected as the president and I was nominated and elected as the recording secretary. It is a one-year election, for up to five consecutive years.”
As the missionary organization’s recording secretary, Jackie will work with the entity’s president and the National WMU staff to record the minutes of the General and Executive Board meetings, which occur in January in Birmingham and in June in the city that hosts the SBC annual meeting.
Jackie’s role is critical, because her accurate documentation of these meetings is essential to the recording of the historical events and conversations of National WMU.
Prior to being elected as recording secretary, Jackie served on the Georgia WMU Executive Board in several roles. She commented, “No matter the role, I have to admit my favorite part of serving is being in the churches with the women (and men and children) all over our state and seeing how they are making Christ known in their own communities and around the world.
“WMU has as its purpose ‘to lead believers to be radically involved in the mission of God.' I am encouraged by the commitment of those all across our state who are part of learning, praying, giving, supporting, and participating in mission opportunities. There are far more than we will ever hear about or see reported in the media.”
Beth Ann Williams, executive director of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board’s WMU and Women’s Ministry, expressed her confidence in Jackie’s new role in the National WMU by saying, “First and foremost, Jackie loves the Lord and seeks to follow Him.
"She is committed to a missions’ lifestyle and uses her creative abilities to show others how God is moving around the world. Jackie has a special charisma that has inspired and encouraged Georgia Baptist women during her service as Georgia WMU president.”
The Christian Index commends Jackie Hardy for her election to this significant office with the National WMU and expresses thanks to God for her selfless service to His missionary enterprise.