Commentary: Join IMB missionaries in 24 hours of prayer and fasting for Ukraine


February 24 marks one year since the start of the war in Ukraine. It’s been one full year of loss of life, liberty and land. Our hearts grieve with Ukrainians and long for an end to the war.

The International Mission Board has issued a call for Southern Baptists to join missionaries serving in Europe in a 24-hour time of fasting and prayer for Ukraine.

Here are the specifics of the call to prayer:

-- On February 24, IMB missionaries will host an evangelism campaign using social media inside Ukraine. Pray people will hear the gospel message and seek the Lord through the "Hope for Ukraine" website.

-- Pray for peace and the end of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

-- Recently, a church van delivered humanitarian aid in eastern Ukraine. While on the road, the driver was struck by gunfire and killed. Pray for the safety of all those who are delivering humanitarian aid during this war.

-- Pray the local churches will continue to advance the kingdom during these difficult times. Pray they will not grow weary in doing good.

-- Multiple churches have started throughout Ukraine in the last year. Pray for the leadership of these churches and that they will continue to grow.

-- Many people came to faith in Christ during this past year. Pray the local churches will disciple these men and women.

-- Pray for safety for government officials and wisdom as they lead and make decisions.

-- Pray for peace and comfort for people who have lost loved ones, homes or their way of life. Pray they would find their ultimate home in Christ.

-- Lift up the people of Russia and Belarus. Pray this war will lead them to seek after the Lord.

-- A school that missionary kids attend has been impacted by the war. Pray for wisdom for the leaders as they look toward the future.

-- Pray for the people of Ukraine as the war progresses. Pray for strength, courage and perseverance as their homeland is devastated by war.

-- Ask the Lord to provide safe passage out of war zones for displaced populations.

-- Pray for the millions of Ukrainian refugees located around the world. Many women are separated from their husbands who are still in Ukraine.

-- Pray for the salvation of all men and women involved in this war. Ask that they will find true peace in Christ.

-- Lift up local churches, missionaries and relief workers as they continue to provide care to Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced people.

-- Pray for Kyiv Theological Seminary, Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary and Odessa Seminary as staff continues to train men and women in ministry.

-- Pray for Ukrainian believers as they seek to be a light in the darkness and disciple new believers around them.

-- Lift up Ukrainians who have never heard the gospel. Pray they will have an opportunity to experience the hope of Jesus.

-- This war has made more orphans than there ever have been before. Pray for safety, help and hope for these children. Pray as well for many people willing to adopt them.

-- The emotional impact of the war has led to significant health issues caused by post-traumatic stress disorder. Pray for trauma healing and that churches can lead the way in this ministry.

-- This war has also displaced missionaries who had been living in neighboring countries. Pray for these families as they continue to seek the Lord's will regarding their return. Lift up their ministries which are still in their home country.

-- Many men and women will be permanently injured from the war. Pray for them and their families as they learn to live with disabilities.

-- Homes, schools, hospitals and infrastructure throughout the country have been destroyed. Pray for the resources and labor for Ukrainians to rebuild.

-- Pray for unity as there is a great struggle between people who stayed in Ukraine and people who fled the country.