Death-defying stunts help lead more than 80 to eternal life


CHILLICOTHE, Mo. – Not many people can say they have ridden a motorcycle for Jesus, let alone performed death-defying stunts in front of thousands and on international television to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, those involved with the Missouri Baptist Convention’s L.I.F.E Outreach initiative can.

It was those kinds of stunts – the motorcycles, BMX bikes, and skateboards – that the crowd of more than 1,400 in Chillicothe witnessed on Sept. 28 in full force. However, this wasn’t your average stunt show.

It was more than that. It was an opportunity for those with L.I.F.E. Outreach, working with Real Encounter, to proclaim the gospel to those who have never heard it before. 

What is L.I.F.E Outreach? Brad Bennett, the convention's Making Disciples Director as well as president and founder of Real Encounter, says, “L.I.F.E. Outreach is a holistic and comprehensive disciple-making program that exists to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.”

While the motorcycles, BMX bikes, and skateboards make for an exciting show, not every L.I.F.E. Outreach event necessarily involves stunts of this kind. Bennett insists that L.I.F.E Outreach is “not just some flash-in-the-pan evangelism event.” Rather, the four-day program serves as an avenue to equip followers of Christ to share their faith with others and make faithful disciples of Jesus throughout their lives.

The event begins on Sunday when either Bennett or someone else from the MBC team meets with several local congregations to train and equip local believers in what it means to be an active and faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. 

That meeting took place Sept. 25 at First Baptist Church, Chillicothe. There, multiple congregations listened as Bennett shared the good news of Jesus Christ and explained the importance of being his disciples, as well as disciple-makers. “As Matthew 28:19-20 makes clear,” says Bennett, “followers of Jesus are called to actively be making disciples for his name.” 

“On Sunday night, participants were taught the foundations of biblical evangelism, as well as how to be effective disciple-makers,” says Rob Hurtgen, the senior pastor at First Baptist, Chillicothe. 

From Monday through Wednesday afternoon, Bennett and the L.I.F.E Outreach team performed multiple smaller stunts for local middle school and high school students. “This is to give them a small taste of what’s to come on Wednesday night,” explained Bennett. 

During those three days, Bennett and his team were able to perform at four different high schools, with each show lasting around forty-five minutes. Hurtgen explained the importance of these smaller shows: “The folks in this area speak the language of the attraction. They love the danger, the stunts, and the cool motorcycles. It’s something they’re able to relate to.” 

It was during these three days that the L.I.F.E Outreach team was able to reach the wider Chillicothe community. Bennett credits these events with the large crowd on Wednesday night. 

The doors opened at 6:00 pm and, within minutes, people could feel the excitement in the air, Hurtgen said. The local high school gymnasium was packed with those who were ready to watch, up close and personal, the dangerous stunts the night had in store. At 6:30 the show began. The audience was captivated by the stunts put on by Real Encounter, ranging from from wheelies to jumping over several from the crowd.

However, the show didn’t stop with mere stunts. Bennett soon took the stage and shared both his testimony and the gospel with those in the audience. It was at this point Hurtgen explained, “We were expecting God to do something!”

When Bennett allowed people to respond, over a third of the audience raised their hands! 

Out of that number, 140 people decided to seek more information about Jesus, and 81 people proclaimed a desire to follow Christ that evening.

Considering such a great response, Hurtgen said, “We now have the joy to follow up with these people!” Moving forward, members from First Baptist Church, Chillicothe, as well as the other churches in the area, will be seeking to strengthen and encourage those who decided to follow the Lord that night. 

While the events have ended in Chillicothe, the L.I.F.E Outreach team will continue to perform in both Missouri and the wider United States to continue reaching others with the good news of Jesus Christ (motorcycles and all).