Pastor's wife: 'If I had followed the instructions, everything would have gone well'


It was my first rodeo.

A few years ago, I needed oral surgery.  Dr. Leslie Horne and Beaumont Periodontics provided me with  everything I needed to have a successful surgery.  After the initial visit, a black folder filled with important information was placed in my hands.  There were guidelines for everything: what to do before the prodedure, right after, and days and weeks later.  Dr. Horne wasn’t just being bossy.  She knew that if I followed her instructions, everything would go well.  And, of course, that’s what I wanted, too.

But, I skimmed the folder filled with important information.  I selected what I felt was truly crucial.  I picked up on the words “as you feel comfortable” on one of the pages.  That became my mindset.  Naturally, they told me what I should and shouldn’t eat while my mouth was healing.  Focused on the “as you feel comfortable” clause, I ate what I wanted.  Because I felt comfortable.  The folder directed me to be careful as my gums healed.  I only tried slightly and licked out my stitches within 24 hours.  I am a doofus.

If I had followed the instructions, everything would have gone well for me. 

Last month, I needed oral surgery in other areas of my mouth.  Back to Dr. Horne I went.

At that appointment, when I was given the black folder filled with important information, I held my breath for a moment understanding that everything I needed to know was held within.  This was NOT my first rodeo.  This time, I would follow the instructions!

The book of Deuteronomy chronicles the true story of when the Israelites were finally going into the Promised Land.  Moses shared vital, life-changing instructions-from the LORD- to help them begin this journey.  God knew the future.  He knew THEM.  Following His instructions would bless them if they heeded it.  Having just finished a 40-year trip through the wilderness due to disobedience and lack of faith, this was their second chance.  It was NOT their first rodeo. 

God implored His people to obey ALL of the regulations, not just skim them and hit the high points or the ones they felt comfortable with.  ALL of the regulations.  And it wasn’t because He was being bossy.  He wanted it to go well for them!

Was Moses’ heart was heavy as he spoke the words by God’s direction?

In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Moses encouraged: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”  Loving the LORD was to be woven into the fabric of their everyday life: when they talked, walked, went to bed, got up and all the rest of the time.

Later in the chapter, Moses continued to share God’s instructions, “Fear the LORD and serve Him only; do not follow other gods; do what is right and good in the LORD’s sight, so that it may go well with you.”    

Following God’s ways are not always easy, but it is better than going our own way. The Israelites had learned where following other paths had led:  the wilderness.  God is amazing about giving second, third and 50th chances.

If I completely follow instructions given by Dr. Horne, my oral surgeries will go well.  If I completely follow instructions given by the Lord, everything else in my life will go well.