Pastor's wife: Sunday school leaves permanent marks on toddlers, literally


I love a good deal and I love markers.  So, when there’s a good deal on markers, you can count me in.

When I found Crayola Classic 10-pack markers on sale a while back, I snatched them up.  Labeled “Preferred by Teachers,” I knew they would be just right for children’s church or Wednesday Nite Kidz.  I tucked them away for future use.

As I prepped for last Sunday morning’s children’s church, I found the Crayola Classic 10-pack “Preferred by Teachers” children’s markers in the closet.  Perfect!  I pictured everything the little ones would create. 

We were studying from John 21 when Jesus had breakfast with the disciples.  It’s a delicious story and one of my faves.  It also includes a miraculous catch of 153 fish.  With story, great helpers, and crafts lined up, I looked forward to sharing the lesson.

On Sunday morning, the kids were coloring construction paper fish to glue on their “nets.”  A 1½-year-old newbie, who wouldn’t stay in the nursery but consented to stay with us, had a purple Crayola Classic “Preferred by Teachers” marker in hand.  I watched across the table as she suddenly took said marker and colored her chin and neck.  In the wink of an eye.

A 2-year-old beside her, in like fashion, colored her hand thoroughly with a brown maker and then up and down one arm.  I grabbed the wipes and began rubbing both girls’ fingers and hands.  “Girls, we only want to color our fish,” I gently instructed.

Two wipes in, it wasn’t coming off.  That was odd.  I reached for the marker box.

Those discounted, brightly colored Crayola Classic children’s markers-touted as “Preferred by teachers” WERE. NOT. WASHABLE.

Who does that?  Who even makes non-washable markers these days?  And what lame-brained person would purchase them – even at a reduced price?  Unfortunately, that would be me.

Suddenly, it hit me.  The girl with the new brown zig zags up and down her arm had a dance recital right after church.  Yikes!  We had to gently get it all off before that.

There are so many things I want for our church kids.  I want them to know that Jesus loves them.  Always and forever. And  I want them to love Him back.  I hope they and their parents will walk in His ways.  I hope that growing up in church will leave a wonderful, permanent mark on their hearts that won’t ever come off – even with wipes or soap.

I want that for you, too.  I want you to know that Jesus loves you – always and forever.  And I want you to love Him back.  I hope you will walk in His ways until your last step and breath. I hope you will teach your kids and grandkids and neighbors and co-workers about Him, too.

When they look back, the little kids who are now in children’s church probably won’t remember drawing on themselves, but I pray they will have a warm memory of being cared for and taught about Jesus.

Dawn Reed is a pastor's wife and newspaper columnist. Reach her at