Pastor's wife: We have reasons to smile


Years ago, in a small town in Poland, we quickly learned that people there did not smile and greet one another.

Each morning and evening, our mission team made the trek by foot to the church where we were having Vacation Bible School.  Excited to be there, excited to be helping, we Americans smiled broadly, calling “Dzień dobry!” (Good day!) to every breathing man, woman, boy, and girl we passed.  One of our interpreters told us the Polish people just didn’t do that.   

Not only did they not greet each other, but they absolutely did not smile along the way.  As you might imagine, we were perplexed. 

The people of Poland were down-trodden.  Communism had left an ugly scar on the cities and the survivors.  Men and women walked with heads down, looking at the ground.  We were told the Polish people only smiled if something good had happened, which didn’t occur very often.  So, if they came across a joyful face, instead of smiling back, they were hurt - jealous even - because they had not also experienced something good.  We were stunned. 

In America, we have much to smile about.  Even though gas prices are rising like summer kites, we are tremendously blessed.  Every night I go to sleep in a real bed, with a roof over my head.  Each morning, I have electricity and running water at my fingertips, plus so many other good things. 

In America, I am free.  Though Americans are at war with each other, we are not being attacked by outside forces.  We have the freedom to worship, the freedom to speak, the freedom to dream.  July is a great month to appreciate living in America.

Being a believer and follower of Christ, gives me plenty to grin about, too.  Not only do I have a relationship with a Heavenly Father and a future in heaven (undeservedly, of course), but I have His Word, His texts, to read any time I want.  That brings great joy to my heart - and face.

So far, He has brought me through 100% of the storms and troubles I have faced.  And He will get me through the next ones.  If a storm takes me out, then I will go straight to Him.  That’s something else to smile about!  There’s a song we learned in Poland that says, “With Jesus in your boat you can smile at the storm.”

In a Sunday School class not long ago, someone suggested Christians paint on smiles at church.  I disagreed.  A believer’s smile doesn’t mean they are pretending to have it all together.  It can mean they know Who is holding it together FOR them.

This morning, as I put on my makeup, I found one more reason to smile.  When I grin, my neck looks less wrinkly.  You may never see me with a frown again.


Dawn Reed is a pastor's wife and newspaper columnist. Reach her at