Recent news
NASHVILLE (BP) – The SBC Executive Committee took major steps to tackle issues that have been brewing in the Convention for several years, including addressing the financial fallout from the SBC’s response to sexual abuse, introducing a new director for abuse response within the Convention and responding to the call for additional financial information from entities.
ATLANTA – A man who shot at a Georgia trooper with a Glock handgun modified for automatic fire will spend a decade in prison, federal prosecutors announced Tuesday.
JEKYLL ISLAND, Ga. — Nearly 200 kids ministry leaders, Georgia Baptist Mission Board staff, and vendors, came together for a ‘summit’ on Feb. 6 and 7 at the Jekyll Island Resort. Those leaders represented 99 Georgia Baptist churches from across the state.
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — As pastors speak and pray with their congregations, they say they’re also keeping persecuted Christians around the world in mind.
The man sitting across from me at a restaurant was picking at his chicken pot pie, talking more than eating. He had a story to tell. He was born on Aug. 20, 1944, in a hospital in Fayetteville, N.C. His mother packed up her things and left him there
TUCSON, Ariz. — At the Imagine One Day Conference in January, church leaders were challenged to think differently about discipleship, city engagement, and church planting. Organized by Brian Hook, senior pastor of Aspire Church in Tucson, the conference presented successful church planting principles that Hook has seen work since the mid-2000s.