Pastor's wife: 'A young girl, all alone, surrendered herself to the will of the Almighty'


That day, it was only a poor, teenaged girl and the angel of the Lord (Luke 1:26-38).

There was a lot to take in.  An angel.  Good news.  A baby on the way.  The Son of God.

Mary listened.  Then she had a fair question: “How can this be?”  Gabriel gave a few more details and left.  I’ve wondered many times what went through Mary’s mind.  Did she giggle to herself?  Good news is always worth sharing.  Did she rush to her parents or Joseph, first?  Her parents were remarkably silent-no words are written about their presence or support; Joseph was in disbelief.  Not a great start to the most exciting thing to happen to the entire world.  I wonder how many other times Mary asked herself, “How can this be?”

When I hear a word from the Lord, I have a tendency to fixate on the “How can this be?”  Right away I begin breaking it down in pieces, over-analyzing, pre-pondering how all the parts fit together.  Is this a sign?  Is that a sign?  My mind spins with possible scenarios until my head hurts.  I want to jump in, helping the Hand of God.  (Not a genius move.)

Did Mary know Proverbs 3:5?  That verse would’ve been mighty handy to carry around in the pocket of her tunic.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”  She was surely trusting.  Trusting that Gabriel knew what he was talking about.  Trusting that the Lord was with her.  There was no way Mary could lean on her own understanding.  This was uncharted territory. 

Gabriel told Mary not to be afraid that day.  Good words to hear up front.  Do not be afraid that an angel is standing here.  Do not be afraid of what God is calling you to do.  Do not be afraid of the future.  Do not be afraid when things don’t go easy.  We, too, need to hear “Do not be afraid,” again and again.

Gabriel explained to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you…”  Stop there.  The same is true for us.  When we become children of God, we have that very Spirit living in us.  Acts 1:8a records Jesus’ words to His disciples, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…”  That’s a promise.

Mary received her new ministry role of literally carrying Jesus as He grew in her.  We are called to carry Jesus in our hearts and lives, sharing with our Jerusalem, our Judea, our Samaria, and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8b).

I’m misty-eyed reading again the ancient story in Luke.  This was not yet the mother of Jesus we all revere and respect.  Much would happen in the months and years to come.  This was only the beginning.  A young girl, without knowing the details, all alone at this moment, surrendered herself to the will of the Almighty.  Gives me chills.  The Life Application Study Bible comments: “Don’t wait to see the bottom line before offering your life to God.” 

When I’m overcome with the “How can this be?” in my life, like Mary, I can trust in the Lord, even when I’m scared, even when I can’t see the puzzle pieces falling into place. 

Dawn Reed is a pastor's wife and newspaper columnist. Reach her at