Resolutions may now be submitted for the 202nd Georgia Baptist Convention


This year, Georgia Baptists will celebrate the 202nd anniversary of the Georgia Baptist Convention. The theme of the annual meeting will be “Answering the Call.” It will be held at First Baptist Church, Statesboro, on Sunday, Nov. 10 through Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024.

 Over the course of these three days this November, messengers will worship and celebrate the Lord's work through Georgia Baptist churches. They’ll also look forward as they prepare for what He intends to do through Georgia Baptists in the years ahead.

As always, the Convention meets for the purpose of conducting the business of the Georgia Baptist Convention in accordance with its Constitution and bylaws. In addition, this time serves as an opportunity to provide inspiration for messengers from the member churches of the Convention as well as provide opportunities for networking among the member church representatives.

 Resolutions for the 2024 annual convention will be accepted until Monday, Nov. 4, 2024. Please email resolutions with the messenger’s name, cell phone, and church name and city to Mike Griffin at  

All additional resolutions not submitted by November 4 are to be submitted according to Standing Rule No. 16 and, in order to be considered by the Resolutions Committee, are due at the recording secretary’s desk no later than the conclusion of the Monday evening session. This will allow time for the Committee on Resolutions to consider all proposed resolutions and have its report ready to present to the messengers on Tuesday. 

Standing Rule No. 16, adopted in the business session of the 1997 Convention, states:

A proposed resolution, in order to be considered by the Convention, must be signed and personally delivered by its author or his designee to the Recording Secretary, or one of the Assistant Recording Secretaries, by the end of the Monday evening session of the Convention. All proposed resolutions will be automatically referred to the Committee on Resolutions without discussion, except where the President of the Convention rules that a proposed resolution shall be considered at the time offered or referred. The committee on Resolutions shall review proposed resolutions and shall present appropriate resolutions to the Convention for its consideration. Whenever possible, resolutions presented by the Committee on Resolutions for consideration by the Convention shall be available to messengers prior to the presentation of the report. (Adopted 1997, amended 2015)

Those submitting resolutions must be registered messengers and should be available to address the Committee on Resolutions if the Committee should have questions that need to be answered. 

The Resolutions Committee, chaired by Sam Thomas, a member of Mars Hill Baptist Church, Watkinsville, will have its first meeting Monday night. The committee will meet again immediately following the close of the Monday evening session of the Convention to complete the review process of all resolutions.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We are looking forward to a great convention. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mike at or call (770) 936-5365.