Skinner, Puckett, Swenson move into new roles to strengthen Georgia collegiate ministry

Georgia Baptist Mission Board seeks to expand BCMs to every campus in the state


DULUTH, Ga. – The Georgia Baptist Mission Board has announced a series of strategic personnel moves aimed at expanding the reach of Baptist Collegiate Ministry in the state.

Church Strengthening Lead Strategist Levi Skipper, who oversees collegiate ministry, said the moves are intended to increase the campuses where Georgia Baptists are engaged from the current 43 to 96, which is the total number of universities, colleges and technical schools in the state.

“Our colleges and universities are spiritual battlefields that desperately need strong BCMs to shine the light of Christ,” Skipper said Friday. “It’s crucial that we expand our reach to every campus in Georgia, and we are taking steps to do just that.”

Among the staff changes announced Friday, Beverly Skinner, one of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board’s most experienced collegiate ministry staffers, will serve in the new role of director of BCM campus expansion. A former campus missionary in Texas and Mississippi, Skinner has most recently been serving as the state Mission Board’s women’s ministry and communications consultant.

In the new role, Skinner will lead the push to engage Georgia Baptists in collegiate ministry on every campus in the state.

Originally from Texas, Skinner received her bachelor’s degree from Baylor University and a master of divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her collegiate ministry experience includes serving in campus ministry at community colleges in Texas, the University of Mississippi and Texas A&M University.  She also served at the associate director of collegiate ministry for the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, leading the BSU summer missions program. For nearly eight years she has served with Georgia Baptist Women as the Young Women, Women’s Ministry, and communications consultant.

Skinner said she feels a deep calling and passion for collegiate ministry and is excited to be a part of what she described as a “compelling strategy” to reach more campuses in Georgia.  

“Beverly Skinner has a history in BCM and demonstrates a leadership gift that will help us reach more campuses than ever,” Skipper said. “She will add great value to the team.”

Brian Puckett will serve as campus minister in a dual role at Georgia Southwestern State University and Valdosta State University.

Puckett has worked with BCM in southern Georgia for the past 10 years, first with Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and then at Georgia Southwestern. He also oversees BCM work at Albany State University and Andrew College.

“One hundred years ago, Georgia Baptists committed to collegiate ministry, and I am committed to seeing that work continue and succeed in Valdosta and Americus,” he said.

Skipper said Puckett has excelled in leading collegiate ministry. “He has a passion for reaching students with the gospel, and he will serve well in this dual role,” Skipper said.

Eric Swenson will move from part time to full time at the Georgia Tech BCM.

Originally from Hiram, Swenson graduated from Valdosta State University and is working a master of divinity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

As a student at Valdosta State, he was heavily involved with the BCM and felt called to collegiate ministry while there. After graduating, he moved to Atlanta to serve as an intern at Georgia Tech’s BCM, later transitioning into the part-time campus minister position.

Swenson said he has loved his time pouring into the students at Georgia Tech the last several years and that he is excited to continue to make the gospel known on the campus and around the world through Georgia Tech students.

“His calling and heart for college students is clear,” Skipper said of Swenson. “He will help build upon the rich foundation that already exists.”

The Georgia Baptist Mission Board’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry is funded by churches that give through the Cooperative Program. To give,  visit or send checks to Cooperative Program, 6405 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, Ga. 30097.