CARDIFF, Wales --- Right now the United Kingdom is getting a healthy dose of Georgia Baptists, as the Sons of Jubal perform at several historic venues throughout England and Wales on the group's Ignite Tour 2018.
Beginning with an April 28 performance at St. David’s Hall in Cardiff, each gathering typically includes music and a word from Georgia Baptist Executive Director J. Robert White.
That isn’t always the case, however. At times others have stepped into preaching responsibilities. Last Sunday, for instance, Sons of Jubal members traveled to seven different churches, providing music and a message at each one.
When factoring in a similar setup for this Sunday, May 6, by the end of the trip Georgia Baptists will have performed concerts at more than 20 locations.
Live video of many performances as well as pictures can be found on the Ignite Tour 2018 Facebook Group. White, alongside Worship and Music Ministry State Missionary Jon Duncan, are leading the 231-member group (including guests). Venues include churches, cathedrals, and concert halls.
They will return to Georgia on May 7.