Thursday thoughts: Care for others because God cares for us

I don't know about you, but I cannot get the storm from last week off my mind. It seems everywhere I look and turn I  see the devastation and heart-breaking situations that people all around us are dealing with. I can only imagine how overwhelmed people are feeling.
It probably seems as though you don't even know where to start or which situation to deal with first. There are power outages, food is scarce, homes are destroyed, locations are flooded, and lives have been lost. These are just very hard times.
This hurricane came right after our community faced the awful tragic shooting at a local high school. This was just another incident that caused people to deal with heartbreak and the aftermath of trying to put things back together.
Add into these tragic situations just daily life occurrences. Surgery, sickness, parents struggling with children, financial issues and the list could go on and on. Life can feel overwhelming and at times spiraling into a state of anxiety and unrest. Fear seems to be rampant.
The only one to turn to is the One who is constant and never changes - God. As humans, we might "think" we can find answers but all we have are educated guesses. God has the absolute truth. Isaiah 41:13 says, "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."
God will help me, and He will help you. I have thought so much about all the hurting people around me. I am guilty of carrying my burdens because I don't want to be a "bother" to anyone else. I would rather be the "helper" than the "receiver of help."
I think most people just want to know you care. If you look up the definition of "care," it says "watchful or protective attention, caution, prudence, or regard usually towards an action or situation." We are the physical hands and feet of Jesus that God uses to help others. We have the ability to offer compassion, good deeds, love, a listening ear, and sometimes just a hug. When we care for others, we offer whatever provision we have available to do what is necessary for their physical health, mental health, protection, and overall well-being.
I think we have to be on the lookout for opportunities to care. It should not be limited to just those we know but to anyone we come in contact with. Simple acts of love because you care.
If we are watchful, we can see there are hurting people all around us. The Bible has so many verses on how we should respond. "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves" (Romans 12:10). "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:10). We can and should care for others because we have a loving, caring relationship with God.
I am sure we all could say we are dealing with something in our lives - I know I can. Some things are heavy and some we don't even know where to turn or what the next step might be.
The point is we have to show others we CARE.
Something we can all do is provide Comfort. Offer a kind word, a hug, or a prayer. People just need to know you care.
Assistance is another way to show you care. Maybe you can physically help or maybe you know who to contact to provide help. Some people are blessed financially and can offer assistance. People need to know we care.
When you are caring it opens the door for you to have a Relationship. The way to share the love of Jesus with someone else starts with building a relationship. Being able to tell others about your Savior allows them the opportunity to accept and develop the greatest relationship they can ever have. People need a relationship with Jesus.
Another thing we all have the ability to do is Encourage. When we are going through a tough time, a sickness, or any trial we all need encouragement to keep going. We can become weary and dejected. A word of encouragement can help someone face another day. A card, a phone call, a text, or just spoken encouraging words can let people know you care.
The truth is we are all able to do these things. Think about times when someone has offered you comfort, assistance, or encouragement. You don't forget those moments. Won't you join me in being aware of ways to share the care with others? You might be the only glimpse of Jesus someone has ever seen.
We won't have to look far to see the needs of others - just look around. Give what you are able to give whether it's financial or physical assistance. Offer a kind word or a prayer. If we are the hands and feet of Jesus, it will open doors for opportunities to share about our Savior. Everyone needs that relationship.
Comfort, Assist, Relate, Encourage - The nail-scarred hands and feet of our Savior allow us the opportunity to share the life-changing message of how HE CARES.

Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at