Thursday thoughts: The decay of sin


I was always taught not to use the word "hate," so I will just say I "strongly dislike" going to the dentist. It has nothing to do with my dentist or hygienist, who I totally love. It just has to do with the sounds and feel of them working on my teeth.

I usually put it off until I feel guilty that they have called me to remind me so many times before I end up working up the nerve to make my appointment and go. I had my appointment this week. There was a spot on one of my teeth that they said they had "been watching." It originally looked like a shadow but now they could tell it was a cavity. Of course, I had to schedule an appointment to have it repaired.

I have thought about that process of a shadow turning into a cavity in relation to sin. That shadow was the warning sign in my tooth that a cavity could be forming. Over time, it ate at my tooth and caused the decay to start. The same process can start with sin.

At times it can start out small, unnoticed, or we think we can just brush it off because no one else is aware. Just like that decay in my tooth resulted in a cavity the sin in our life can destroy our spiritual and emotional well-being if not addressed. Both require care to resolve the issues.

In James 4:17 the Bible says, "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." The dentist told me they were "watching" the spot on my tooth because they knew it could cause decay. They were aware of it. I would say the same thing is true of us as believers. We usually are aware of the right thing to do, but, at times, we trick ourselves into thinking no one else "knows" about our sin but us. God always knows!

Sin is basically anything that dishonors God. We have resources to help us realize and be aware of sin. God gave us His Word. If we are in the Word we will erase the "shadow" or gray area that we might be "watching" and the Word will help us realize what is right from what is wrong. Another resource we have is the Holy Spirit. In James, the Bible also says "If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." We can ask the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, guide us, teach us, and ultimately transform our lives.

The Holy Spirit to me is like the x-ray the dentist took. It allowed them to see the shadow and then the decay of a tooth. The Holy Spirit sees the shadow of sin when it first starts. We are convicted of that sin, but we also have the responsibility to do something about it. If we choose to ignore that sin it can start to decay areas of our life just like my tooth started to decay to a cavity.

The dentist is going to repair my tooth. In the same way, God can and will forgive our sin if we ask. In 1 John 1:9 the Bible says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." I know this might seem like a crazy analogy to you, but for me it makes sense. I do not want decay in my teeth nor do I want any sin decay in my life. God is always faithful. He will prick our hearts to see the shadow of sin when it starts. He will use the Holy Spirit to convict us of that sin. He will use His Word to help us know what is right from what is wrong. He offers us forgiveness from that sin if we just come to Him.

Our job is to recognize and heed the warnings no matter where the "decay" might be in our lives. Any type of decay when ignored is extremely dangerous, costly, and will ultimately only worsen. The answer to both decay in a tooth or sin in our life is to seek treatment.

I am not fond of the dentist but I do have an appointment to fix my tooth and remove the decay. I want the same thing for my life. I pray that God will enable me to see the sin in my life from either reading the Word, the Holy Spirit, or other believers speaking into my life. What about you? I pray you have not only been to the dentist but you daily go to the Great Physician who can convict, repair, and restore you spiritually and emotionally. He is the only One who can make your life "cavity and decay free."


Jill Johnson, a staff member at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, finds spiritual applications in her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and Georgian. She is available to speak to your church's women's gatherings. Reach her at