Elections are important; and the midterm election on November 6th is one of the most critical in our history. Yes, I know I always say that, but I think America is getting ever closer to socialism and anarchy, so I am going to keep beating the same drum until God rescues us with the rapture or I breath my last breath.
And, no, I am not putting my faith in some political party or some elected official, but there are some values I would like to see our political system continue to embrace and some principles I would like to see us restore.
When Christians engage in politics, either as candidates for political office or as voters, we have the ability to affect and change culture. It is important for us to advocate good laws on health care, government stewardship of the tax dollar, the sanctity of life, First Amendment rights, immigration, gambling, and a myriad of other things. Although some say we cannot legislate morality, it appears to me that we can permit the legislation of immorality if we do not express our Christian convictions at the voting machine.
I shudder to think what would happen in Georgia and America if Christians decided to isolate themselves from the realm of politics.
Jesse Rojo, the constituent relations director at the Philos Project, stated, “When the people of God do not take it upon themselves to vote or run for office, they carelessly leave the fate of the future generations in the hands of wicked and immoral men.”
I like what Franklin Graham said when he spoke in Liberty Plaza in Atlanta on his Decision America Tour in 2016. He declared, “I have no hope in the Democratic Party. I have no hope in the Republican Party. I have no hope in any other party to fix the problems in America. My only hope is in Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ, but we do need people who serve and follow Jesus Christ to learn the issues, pay attention to the candidates, and vote in every election – local, state, and national.”
We are seeking to provide as much information as possible to inform our readers about the midterm election on November 6th, so each one can go to the polls with the information needed to make wise choices. Study the voter’s guide provided and be sure to vote!