Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief chaplains lead lost to Christ in Georgia


ALDOSTA, Ga. – Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers extend the love of Christ to disaster survivors, offering help, healing, and hope that is found in Jesus Christ.  

Since the initial deployment to Georgia in response to Hurricane Helene, as of Oct. 16, ABDR has reported 31 professions of faith.  

One of those salvations was Timmy, a gentleman Ron and Carolyn Knowlton, ABDR chaplains, were given the opportunity to share the gospel with. While at a home damaged by the hurricane, the couple met the husband and wife who owned the home and the wife’s brother, Timmy, a terminally ill hospice patient. When Ron asked the wife if he could pray with Timmy, she gave approval but warned him Timmy may hurt his feelings.  

Undeterred, Ron went out on the home’s sundeck to see Timmy. Ron knelt beside his chair, told who he was, and asked Timmy if he could pray for him.  

“He looked me dead in the eye and said, ‘I don’t mind at all,’ and bowed his head,” Ron said. “I began a prayer, praying that God intervene in his life. But as I was about to close in prayer, I don’t know why I did it, I never do this, I just reached up and touched him on the shoulder and said, ‘Lord, open our eyes that we know what you are trying to do here.’ And he began to weep, and I realized the Holy Spirit was working with him and it was certainly working with me.”  

After the prayer, Ron began sharing the gospel with Timmy. One of the verses he shared was Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”  

Timmy surrendered his life to the Lord.  

“That was very emotional for both Timmy and myself. We both cried by the time it was over,” Ron said. “God is working. He has used an army of volunteers down here in Valdosta.”  

On Oct. 14, an ABDR team of six feeding volunteers left for Spruce Pine, N.C. They will be working with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention mass feeding unit. 
This story was first published by Arkansas Baptist News.