Bible study: God promises preservation

Genesis 9:1–13


Although we are still technically in the spring season, I was reminded recently that the first day of June is the beginning of hurricane season. While hurricanes are most prevalent in August and September, the conditions become more favorable in these warmer months. Depending on someone’s age, names such as Camille, Katrina and Hugo can cause many memories and emotions.

Hurricanes devastate homes, businesses and lives, and it can take years to rebuild. However, after tragic events like storms, you will always discover people rolling up their sleeves to help their neighbors and begin the arduous process of putting their lives back together. God has placed within each of us the promise and idea of preservation. God does not give up on His creation. He loves it too much to abandon it.

God reaffirmed His covenant with Adam. (1–3)

It can be said that God hit the reset button with the flood and Noah’s family. The earth itself was given a fresh start, and Noah’s family became the basis of all future generations. However, some things stayed the same. For one, God’s Word and His expectations remained intact.

His commands to be fruitful and reproduce as well as to serve as stewards of the land were still applicable. There is not one square inch of this planet that God does not care for and will ultimately redeem. The earth groans for the coming of the Lord. One day soon He will set all things back in order.

God affirms the value of human life. (4–7)

I have often wondered why God loves people so much. Think about it. We are a needy group, prone to fail and sin too much, and we rarely give Him the thanks and praise He deserves. The best answer I can produce is that each person represents another potential worshipper.

The Lord is worthy of our worship and praise. When people from all tribes, tongues and nations exalt the name of the Lord, He is pleased. We are made in His image, and He takes joy in seeing us follow Him in faith and obedience.

Let this serve as a reminder for each of us of the wonderful message of salvation and the grace He offers everyone. Every single person who has breath in their body is loved by God and should never be too far from our concern and prayers.

God promises to preserve humanity and His creation. (8–13)

One of the essential truths we hold on to as believers is the fact that God always keeps His Word. Unlike humans, He is not deterred nor is He tempted to lie, engage in malice or break a promise.

We should be exceedingly grateful for these facts. God made the covenant with all of creation to never use water to destroy the earth again, and He will keep that promise.

It is indeed a tragedy when homeowners discover their home insurance does not cover flood damage. The heartbreak of losing everything due to water is traumatic and never forgotten. With God, we have something better than insurance.

We have assurance!


This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources.